Chapter 1: New in Town

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Serena's pov~

*phone rings*
I roll over to look at the clock, 10 am. I let out a sigh. I look over at my phone and see it is my friend Taylor calling.
"Hello" I groan out. Clearly sounding like I just woke up.
"Hey Serena, there is this new coffee shop in town that just opened and I wanted to see if you wanted to check it out"
"Yeah yeah sure just give me half an hour to get ready. Meet me at my place and we can walk over?"
"Yeah sure, see you in a few".
I hang up the phone and roll out of bed and walk downstairs to the kitchen. Mom is talking with dad when she notices me
"Serena I'm surprised you are up, this is early for you"
"Very funny mom, Taylor called and asked if I wanted to go to this new coffee shop that just opened up in town"
"Oh is it that place called instant energy? Bridget was telling me that it's owned by the Collins. They just moved here from Virginia"
"Yeah that sounds about right. Apparently it's supposed to be really good so we figured we would try it"
"Okay, I think they have a boy about your age but I can't remember his name. Anyways have fun sweetie".
"Yeah yeah I will"
I go back upstairs and get ready and then I hear Taylor ringing the doorbell.
"Ready to go." Taylor asked excitedly. "Yeah but not fully awake yet so let's go I am in a serious need of caffeine". We walk into town and see a major line coming out of the door. There is big flashy lights that say grand opening coming out of the windows . "Wow this place is crazy busy. I get it's new but damn. Maybe we go somewhere else instead?" Taylor suggested. "No" I protested. "You woke me up to come here so we are going to at least try it". "Fine" she groaned clearly not wanting to wait in this long of a line. But the line looked longer then it actually was, we only waited about 10 minutes before getting up to the register.
"Hello welcome to instant energy, what can i get you lovely ladies today?" . The cashier was an unfamiliar face. He looked about my age, maybe a bit older. 'He must be the owners son' I thought to myself.
" I will take a medium ice hazelnut coffee" I said. The boy was just looking at me a bit strange but I didn't think to much about it. "Can I get a name for the order?" The boy asked. "Serena" I said. "Okay that will be out shortly". And with that I walked over and took a seat in one of the chairs.
"That boy keeps on starring at you". Taylor mentioned. "What boy?" I asked looking around. "That guy who took our order. His name is John, I looked at his name tag when I was ordering". I glanced over at him and for a split second I caught him looking at me. He quickly turned away tho. "I'm sure he is just looking around trying to remember faces. I think his parents own the place" I stated. "Yeah that's what my mom was saying and you're probably right. He's got to remember faces if he is going to recognize regulars".
"Serena" yelled a woman behind the counter "and Taylor"
We got up to get our coffees and then we left. I took a sip of mine and I actually really enjoyed it. Taylor seemed to enjoy hers as well. I think this may be a regular spot for us from now on. It's a great place to come for summer and hang out.

Johns pov~

"John wake up we got to get to the store early today to set up and you have to help".
I groaned having to wake up so early. And yes it was early, 5:30 early. But it is opening day after all and we have to make sure everything is running smoothly. We have just moved here from Virginia. Me, mom, and dad. Just the three of us. Mom and dad have always wanted to own their own business and they finally get to do that and I could not be more happy for them. Except I just wish it could have been in Virginia. They said they wanted me to have a fresh start because things didn't go so well after me and my ex had broken up. Her parents were crazy, I just wanted to talk to her and for her to explain why she dumped me and next thing I know there is a police officer at my door with a restraining order. For what you might ask. Nothing. I did nothing wrong but want answers. But anyways that is in the past and I just want to move forward.
The morning had moved pretty fast and the opening seemed like it would be a success. And who knows I might get to meet some new kids before I start school. Nothing could have prepared me for the beauty that walked through the door. She was gorgeous. A thing of pure beauty and innocence. I just new she had to be mine. I had to protect her. When I spoke to her I tried to sound as gentlemanly as possible. She ordered an iced hazelnut coffee. That just suits her so well. You can really read a person based on their coffee order. I was hoping she would notice my name on my name tag which I'm sure she did but she just didn't want to say anything. "Can I get a name for the order" I asked her. A beauty such as her surely must have a name that suits her. "Serena" she tells me. Oh Serena. What a beautiful name. I glance at her every so often. I watch her laugh at her friends jokes, she has the most amazing laugh. Everything about her just seems perfect and I intend to make sure her life is perfect. Her and her friend get their coffees and leave but something about her is just sticking with me.

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