Chapter 3: Walk in The Woods

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Serena's pov

"Thank you again for bringing me back my phone". I admit i thought it was a bit strange that he came running after me just to give me back my phone. I mean I would have noticed it was gone and gone back to get it eventually. "Really it was no big deal, where are you off to?". Okay no big deal, he's just being a nice person and making conversation ."Oh I'm just walking home". "Through the woods? What are you red ridding hood going to granny's". Okay so this kid is a little bit strange but he was kind enough to go out of his way to give me my phone back. "No I'm just taking a detour". "Oh nice, I'm John by the way". "I'm Serena, you work at the new coffee shop right?". "Yes I do. I'm new in town my parents and I just moved here from Virginia". "Oh cool". John seemed a bit shy and nervous around me and the silence was deafening. "Okay well it was nice to me you and thank you for my phone but I should get going". "I will walk you home". What the fuck is this guy thinking. I don't even know him and I don't need him knowing where I live. "No no that's okay I'm good to walk on my own". "Are you sure? It's no trouble at all really". One word, creepy. "No really thank you but I am good". "Okay then I will see you soon then Serena". "Yup, bye".
I could not have gotten out of there fast enough. I immediately call Taylor to tell her what had happened.  Safe to say she was also very creeped out about the whole thing. "Why the fuck was he so insistent on walking you home?". "I was thinking the same thing. It was kinda weird but I think he was just trying to be nice". "Serena, you do realize that is how 95 percent of  horror movies start right? Have you ever seen scream?". "Okay shut up Taylor. I'm almost home I'll talk to you later". Truth was, I was a bit creeped out by him but there was a perfectly logical explanation to why he wanted to walk me home. He was probably just trying to be a gentleman and make sure I got home okay. 
Well I made it home but I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched the whole time. Had John not gone back to the cafe after our interaction? I was constantly looking behind me but I didn't see or hear anyone. It was probably just my mind playing tricks on me.
I walk inside and see Zack in the kitchen. "Hey where have you been?". "I've been at the cafe, why?". "At the cafe with that boy". "What boy?". "Uh the boy that walked you home". My heart dropped. "No boy walked me home Zack". His face dropped and I ran over to the window and didn't see anyone. "Who are you even talking about. There is no one out there Zack". "He ran away back into the woods". The woods, oh shit. Did John really follow me home?

Johns pov

This was amazing. In her eyes now, I am a hero. She is so thankful for me bringing her back her phone that she will feel the need to re pay me at some point. She won't need to of course but she will feel in debt to me. I do however think it is a bit strange that she is about to go through the woods. "Where are you off to?". "Oh I'm just walking home". I have to admit in my mind I did not think she had lived in the woods. But I mean I'm not one to judge. "What are you red ridding hood going to granny's". "No I'm just taking a detour". Ah that makes much more sense. I couldn't possibly let her walk home alone through the woods so of course I offer to walk her home but she declined my offer. Not going to lie I was a bit annoyed but my intentions were not so straight forward. I had an ulterior motive, it would be nice to know where she lived just in case I need it. But she was protesting but like that was gonna stop me. We said our goodbyes and she turned and walked away.
I would be lying if I said I didn't watch her walk away. She just had this look about her as she walked, it had confidence, composure, she could be a model but she's to short for that. But that's okay I like them short, it's cute that way. But I still had to make sure she got home okay. So I may or may not have silently followed her forma distance. She called her little friend to tell her something but I was too far way to hear what was being said. If I had to guess Serena was telling Taylor how amazing I was for returning her phone.
She made it home okay after that. Her house was gorgeous. Big front porch, lots of windows, suitable for a girl like her. She has a brother, I saw him standing in the kitchen looking out of the window. I don't think he saw me but I booked it back to the woods. Good news tho, I have her number and her address. Maybe later I'll send a little text to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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