Big Apple Baby-Chapter 5

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Hey baby!- Chapter 5

I walked back with the golden eyed man's drink and he smiled at me,

"Thank you pretty girl!" He said cheerfully and he pulled out his I-Phone and started playing angry birds. I just walked away and thanked God that he had stopped with the pick-up lines. 

     I went and got some more orders and had friendly chats with the customers and then I noticed that the golden eyed man has left awhile ago, my day passed rather normally and I smiled as I picked up my coat from the hangers in the back of the Coffee Shop and said bye to Kailyn who gave me a dissaproving look and told me I had better not be late tommorow and I just smiled an apologetic smile at her.

     I nearly ran home and burst through the door at 8pm. Skylar was smiling at Tanya and making strange noises as if refusing to sleep and Tanya smiled gratefully at me when I ran through and scooped Skylar out of her arms.

"Sorry Chicka. Baby no sleep when I tell him to." She said and I beamed at her and cradled Skylar to my chest as he sighed and I looked at him softly and hummed a random song as Tanya passed me his bottle. I put it in his mouth and he drank hungrily and then started to fall asleep in my arms.

    "I will never know how you do to make baby sleep!" She said with frustration, "I must be getting home now. Katia and Horshay be missing me." She said and I nodded my head at her, 

"Okay Tanya. Have a nice night and please be careful when you walk home!" I said to her and she came back and hit me over the head with a newspaper and then gave me a stern stare,

"You no worry about me chicka! You take care of baby and you!" She said and then walked back towards the door,

"Bye Tanya!" I screamed out to her and she mumbled back a disgruntled reply, I laughed and rocked Skylar gently in my arms and turned on the T.V for the first time in months since I couldn't handle the reports on me going missing.

My parents just wanted attention for goodness sake! I left them all notes and on the news reports it said I left no evidence of myself- YA RIGHT! That is why I hate my parents and all the fake tears they shed. Pathetic. 

My sister Maya could not even comment because she was crying so much and Carrie just had a blank look in her eyes as she always does when she doesn't want to show emotion and didn't comment on my parents lies either. Dean apparently punched a reporter after some time and told them even if they keep asking he won't F*cking comment on this subject. See how nice of a guy he is? Jerk-faced, Poo-head! 

Did I really just think that? Yup. I did. Too bad he is a Jerk-faced, poo-head that I still love... I mean why did he have to betray me when I needed him most, and as I looked into Skylar's beautiful green eyes (that he got from his father), I know I don't regret a thing. I wouldn't trade my baby for the world.

I walked over and put Skylar down in his cradle that lies beside my bed and I sang a nusery rhyme I remember from when I was little. He falls asleep quickly so I go back over to the living room and sit on the couch.

I stared at the T.V mindlessly and a news report came on about a elementry school being shutdown. I looked up at the screen just in time to see the little kids playing on the all too familiar playground- The private elementary school I used to go to- Then Elizabeth a pretty girl that I talked to once or twice when I was in highschool came on screen and I stared at her wishing I was there to defend the private elementry school I grew up with.  

"We can't just shut down the school! The kids will have to drive hours away to get to school or go to the local public, I grew up knowing this school and I don't want it to go away. It's Important to this city." She stated fiercely and I frowned, I wished I could be normal sometimes. But I love Skylar WAY too much to trade him for my old life. God I hate Dean.

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