Drabbles 4

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151: Loud and Clear

Ever since Fazbear installed the new intercom system, used to make prize announcements and service calls to the front desk, both Mike and Jeremy wait anxiously every evening for management to bid them goodbye.

Jeremy's alone in the locker room, Mike having excused himself for some undisclosed reason. Buttoning up his shirt, the nightwatch restrains a giggle when he hears static break through and echo throughout the pizzeria, a familiar voice coming over the intercom:

"Attention all Fuckboys! I ain't afraid of your whack ass robot shit you pull every night, so take your traditions and rules and shit and shove it all up your metal ass!" The intercom clicked, just reactivate a split second later: "And leave Fucksgerald alone while you're at it!"

There was the sound of something crashing, maybe a chair or something tipping over before the announcement cut off suddenly. Jeremy's laughter is so loud, Mike can hear him all the way from the front office.

152: Hallucination

Mike gently placed his palm on the back of Jeremy's neck, holding the nightwatch closer. Said teen's breathing was erratic, blood pulsing fast through his veins, his rib cage threatening to explode.

The security guard's touch, however, had a strangely counter effective on the panic rising in the nightwatch. Mike lent down, pressing his cheek into Jeremy's shoulders, one hand on the back of his head, shifting in the embrace to place the other on the brunette's chest, intent to try and calm down the teen's heart pace to a much more comfortable level.

Jeremy did not take his first Golden Freddy hallucination very well.

153: Light Bulb

"I don't get why we gotta do stupid shit like this, we're not maintenance." Mike groans, watching carefully as the brunette climbed the ladder. "Management can do this"

Jeremy frowned down at him from above, doing his best to keep his balance. "We need the light tonight. What if it b-blinked out in the middle of our shift?" He steadied himself, unscrewing the light fixture cover and holding it to the side. He reached a hand down. "Light bulb, please."

Rolling his eyes, Mike steps forward to hand said object over. "Careful, dork" Jeremy leaned a bit more outwards, fingers brushing against the offering. "I'm fine-"

To counter the argument, the ladder suddenly tipped over, Jeremy's shifted weight too heavy on one side for it to stand. He gave a startled yelp as the ladder toppled over, taking him with it.

Instead of hitting the cold hard tile, he gives a little 'oof'' as he fell back onto something firm instead, a much better cushion.

Mike's back slammed onto the floor, making sure to keep the brunette tucked securely in his grasp. He sounded an irritated groan, clutching the teen much tighter as if it would further his attempt to shield him from harm. "Fucking hell, Jeremy..." He caught his breath, "Are you hurt?"

Jeremy simply peered up from the security guard's chest, staring thoughtfully past his grasp. He spots a pile of shard glass and frowned. "The light bulb broke"

154: Disability

He tries to hide it, tries to ignore the brain damage and it's consequence; and surprisingly enough, he finds it very easy, especially since people usually made their own assumptions on him first hand based on his temper.

But there are somethings he can't hide. Jeremy knows he can't work certain household appliances, that social norms can't bend and hold simply for him, that his 'Blanks' have the capability to turn him into something he's not. Or to remind him that he already is.

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