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It was finally Alex's birthday, and he was celebrating it with Just, Benji, and Benji's dad, Sam. He drove to Benji's house, it was in a nice neighbor hood, where the houses, all had pools, large multicar garages, and yards large enough to easily fit a dozen of his mother's house on. Google told Alex to arrive on his left, and he turned in to one of the larger houses on the block. "Guezes." Alex muttered to himself. "I bet his room is as big as my apartment." He calmed him self, as he got out.

"Hey babe!" Benji smiled as he got off of the front step. Benji was both incredibnnly excited, but devastignly nervous for Alex to meet his dad. Sure Alex and Benji had been friends at school, but the kind that seeked each other out in classes, and lunches, not the ones to spend the night or meet their parents. Now Alex was Benji's boy friend, and his dad, not only wanted to meet him, but could quite possibly keep him from staying the nights at Alex's house. Benji really, really, like staying atAlex's, spending time with Alex was always awesome, they had both gotten really close, but as Jenna would call it, Benji would die if he couldn't park his 'car' in Alex's 'garage', nightly.

"I'm so nervous." Alex whined, eyeing the door while hugging Benji. Benjji must not have showered after gym, and smelt like dry sweat, Alex rested his head on Bejni's chest, and enhaled gently, as not to get caught. If Alex could Bottle the smell that was Benji, he'd spray it on his favorite blanket. There was something about it that brought a gentle peace to Alex, always with out fail.

"Are you sniffing me?" Alex said gently hiding his amusement, and delight. The fact was the best part of making love to Alex was holding him afterwards, and falling asllep, smelling his hair.

"Yea you smell... like you..." Alex flushed at sounding so stupid.

Benji laughed kindly. "Who else would I smell like." Benji smirked. "Although you sometimes smell like me." He waggled his eye brows as Alex's blush deepened. "God your so cute!" Benji pulled in Alex for a long embrace, and a longer kiss.

"Ah hem." Sam cleared his throat.

"Oh hey dad!" Benji said sheeplyishly and a bit pink.

"Oh hey dad!" Sam laughed. "It's Nice to see you again!" He said brightly at a Bright red Alex.

"And it is nice seeing you!" Alex said turning to Sam, and offering his hand. Alex hadn't been this nervous in... He had to think back, well since he came out from school. A rush of old, powerful, and mostly negative emotions overwhelmed him. He took a quick breath and cleared his mind.

"Please wont you come in?" Sam, motionted to the front door. "I don't know about you two, but I'm starving, and can't wait to get dinner on the grill."

"Oh I could eat a horse!" Alex laughed.

"I bet you could." Sam laughed along. "Although I don't know where you would put it." He added with a chuckle. Alex was curious about what was for dinner, but didn't want to be rude and ask. So when they got to the kitchen, and there were six skewers of shrimp, and three very large Rib eye steaks, waiting to go to the grill, Alex was ecstatic. Sam couldn't help but be reminded that Alex was a bit different. After all Sam had only met Alex the few times but still it was notable. Sam sighed to him self, and told the doctor in him to go away.

Sure Alex was polite, kind, and very very shy, but Almost too much so. Alex Sam noticed that Alex had even Said Please, and thank you, for things he didn't need to.

"So Benji Told me you got your own place." Sam said, while sipping a beer, and flipping the shrimp.

"Yea it's not much, and it is a..." Alex paused to think of the word bitting his lip, driving Benji secretly wild. "...Fringe benefit of my job."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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