The RPG Quirk Awakening

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Izuku Midoriya was having a bad day. No, scratch that, he was having a terrible day. At first, it was okay. On his way to school, there was a villain attack by a guy with a gigantification quirk. It was super cool. He even talked with this guy who recognized he was a hero fan boy. He said he would be his first fan when he made it into the hero job. When, not if. It really made him happy. Then it worsened. At the school, the teacher was going to hand out the job papers, but he just threw them, saying they all wanted to be heroes anyway. Kacchan then got all arrogant again and saying that "UA is the only place for me".  Then the teacher pointed out he applied for UA as well. That really angered Kacchan. He later stole his notebook, burned it, and threw it out the window. He then had the audacity to say "You know if you really want to be a hero that bad, there might actually be another way. Just pray that you are born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of the building".

In a daze, he wandered to get his notebook, which he found in the koi pond at the school. Walking home to school, he takes a different route, not wanting to run into Kacchan, as he seems to be extra angry today. As he was walking under an overpass, slime rose up behind him. Turning around, he was shocked to see a villain. The villain then tried to drown him. He was on the verge of dying when the sewer top busts open. Out comes All Might and punches the villain, defeating it. Izuku wakes up and is shocked to see All Might. He starts freaking out, like always when he meets a hero. He realized, however, that All Might was about to leave. Without thinking he grabbed onto All Might's leg just as he jumped into the air. All might, realizing, tries to shake him off. Then Izuku reminds him if he lets go, he will die.

Landing on a roof, Izuku gets off, preparing to ask a question. He doesn't realize that All Might has started to steam. "I have to know, is it possible to become a hero even if I don't have a quirk? I am a normal kid without any powers. Can I ever hope to become someone like you?".

Opening his eyes, he finally sees All Might steaming. Suddenly All Might bursts into smoke. After the smoke clears out, Izuku sees someone else? This person is not All Might. They are way to small and skinny. Izuku freaks out, thinking it is an imposter. All Might reassures him, saying it is him. But he also lifts up his shirt. There was a terrible injury. Izuku wanted to vomit just looking at it. "I got this in a big fight 5 years ago. My whole respiratory system has basically been destroyed. I lost my whole stomach. All the surgeries have basically worn me out. I can't be fixed. I can only do hero work for about 3 hours a day. Most of the world hasn't heard of this fight. I tried hard to keep it under wraps. People everywhere have to think that I am never afraid. But honestly, I smile to hide the fear inside. It is just a brave face I put on when the pressure is high. This job isn't easy. Pro heroes are always having to risk their lives. Some villains just can't be beaten without powers. So no, I don't think you can become a hero without a quirk".

Hearing this shocked Izuku. He didn't listen to anything else All Might says. He just watched him buff up and jump away. Slowly, he walked up to the edge of the roof. He looked down, contemplating. Suddenly, he decided. He took a few steps back, began to run, and was about to jump.


Shocked, he didn't jump. He looked up and saw a screen that read: Achievement made - Unlock the quirk.

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