Chapter 5: Heavy Mortal Hopes

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Maeve's POV

It's been a little over a week since I fainted in the Atrium. No one knew what happened to me that day. After Riven rushed me to the infirmary, the doctors checked me out but found nothing amiss. One theory was that my body was too overwhelmed with everyone's emotions and shut down. I personally have no idea and do not want to find out. Of course, that didn't stop Riven from worrying. He refused to leave my side for the entire weekend. But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. We spent the weekend watching Disney movies and eating junk food. It was the most fun I've had at Alfea.

Sadly, on Sunday night, I stayed in my dorm and the fun was ripped away. Bloom cornered me as soon as I walked in and she started talking about this dream she had the night she fought the Burned One. She said that an older woman left the memory in her head to find her. I didn't understand but Bloom was determined to get answers. She became obsessed with identifying the woman. She tried dragging me into it but I refused to participate in a hunt for a mystery woman.

"Can we not do this again?" Aisha asked Bloom.

Bloom walked over to the wall of class photos, in a failed attempt to identify the mystery women. "I know. I know," Bloom muttered. "There just are still a few maybes. I know it's hard to see what someone's gonna look like when they're old. See, if I squint my eyes and tilt my head, this Farrah Fawcett one is a dead ringer."

"There are a lot of fairies in the Otherworld, Bloom," I reminded her.

"Aisha said that the most powerful ones come through Aflea. And besides, why aren't you curious? You should be helping me look at these."

"Maybe because you are the only one who knows what she looks like. And I don't care why this mystery lady left a cryptic and vague message in your head. Maybe she's not real, maybe she's dead. There are too many unknowns to be concerned with her. I'm more worried about getting my powers under control."

I left both of them at the photo wall in favor of getting to class. I was tired of having that particular conversation with her. Ever since I expressed my disinterest in our biological parents, she has been trying to guilt-trip me into helping her. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I'd known for years Michael and Vanessa weren't biologically our Mom and Dad. So, I've been humoring her conversations but I outright refuse to be a part of something that could put everything in jeopardy.


I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see who was calling me. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, long time no chat. How've you been?" Brandon asked.

"I'm fine. Bloom is driving me nuts but what else is new? How's your mom? I've been meaning to call."

"She's doing good. She actually sent me to stay with my Dad for the next little bit. Something about traveling for work. You know I tune out after she mentions stuff like that."

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