Chapter 7: Heavy Mortal Hope

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Maeve's POV

"Bloom is not your biological sister."

Those words echoed in my head. My body felt numb and yet it wandered aimlessly, searching. Brandon and Silva tried to reach me but it was like I was adrift in the ocean, miles from the nearest shore. My phone kept vibrating, texts and calls from Brandon no doubt. I didn't have it in me to respond to them. Brandon would try and make me feel better and I didn't want that. I didn't want to sugarcoat this and pretend like it didn't happen. I can't do the same thing I did two years ago. I can't keep lying and praying the problem will go away.

"Sky's gone off the deep end. He's got armor and a sword. He is going hunting for the Burned One. I need your help to find him," Riven pleaded, walking up to me.

"He's gonna get himself killed," I muttered, pulling myself from my reverie. "Lead the way." Riven grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the Stone Circle. "Wait, I feel something," I said.

"What? What do you feel?"

"Firey anger and bottled rage. Fear and confidence. I don't think Sky is alone. We need to hurry." I started running in the direction of the rage.

Maeve. Maeve.

The voice in my head muttered my name over and over. We came to a field just past the Barrier. Bloom and Sky looked around the forest like they knew what was there. Sky tossed a spare sword to Riven who placed me behind him.

"I still wanna know why you can track these things," Sky said to Bloom.

"One of the many mysteries of my life I could be solving in the protective embrace of the Barrier," Bloom muttered.

From behind us, a loud roar ripped through the air. A Burned One jumped down from a tree, swiping at the air. Sky and Riven used their swords to fight back as Bloom and I backed up. I could see something glowing softly from inside its chest. Sky and Riven were knocked to the ground. The Burned One raised its claws intending to kill them. I raised my hand and concentrated all of my magic on the glowing core. A burst of purple flame shot from my hand and came out the back side of the Burned One. The glowing object was ejected from the Burned One and it keeled over, dead.

I fell to my knees as exhaustion took over my body. I felt people surround me but I could only focus on the creature I just killed. Thoughts filled my head and I struggled forcing them to stop. Riven came and blocked my view of the creature. He was speaking to me. I could see his lips moving but could not register the sound coming from his mouth.

Riven's POV

I thought I was done for. When the Burned One had me pinned, I thought it was going to be my last moment alive. The only thought running through my head was that I failed Maeve. I dragged her out here to save my idiotic friend. Then a burst of fiery purple shot from above me and the creature was dead. I looked behind me to see Maeve standing there with her hand out. She looked so determined and I admired her courage. The look of determination faded as exhaustion set in. She dropped to her knees and Bloom rushed over to catch her sister. Sky kneeled on the other side. I walked over and slowly lowered myself in front of her.

"Maeve, look at me," I said, but her gaze remained unfocused. "Princess, talk to me. How are you feeling right now? What do you need?" I asked. She looked at me; confusion filled her moss-green eyes. It was like she couldn't hear me. I slowly raised my hands and encased hers in mine.

"She's freezing," I said. "We need to get her inside."

"So, I guess you didn't need our help after all," a familiar voice spoke from behind us. I looked up to find Maeve's suitemates and Headmistress Dowling.

"Maeve needs help," Bloom said.

Headmistress Dowling walked over and crouched next to me. Her eyes glowed white and Maeve's eyes glowed, one red, one purple. "She's just in shock. She will be alright with a little bit of rest," the Headmistress said. "Take her back to her room." That one was directed at me. I nodded my head and picked her up bridal style. She gripped my t-shirt and her eyes closed but I could tell she wasn't asleep.

As we walked back to the school, I told Stella to bring Maeve an outfit for tomorrow to my dorm. Sky split off to go check on Headmaster Silva and the rest of the girls were instructed to wait in the canteen. I veered off towards my dorm. Once inside, I placed Maeve on the bed. As soon as I let go, her eyes popped open.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere," I said. "I just want to take your boots off." She didn't respond. I lightly tugged on her boots and she swung her feet off the bed. I took her off her black boots and black, knee-high socks. Her phone started buzzing. I pulled it from her pocket to find a text from Brandon. A flare of annoyance surged through me. He was thanking her for saving his dad and he told her that Silva's infection was gone. I knew I needed help getting through to her, so I replied. I told Brandon that Maeve was unresponsive and in my room. He said he would be right over.

A few minutes later, a knock sounded at my door. I hollered, "It's open," and in walked Brandon.

"What do you mean she is unresponsive?" Brandon asked.

"It's like she can't hear us when we speak. You try it," I said.

Brandon crouched down in front of Maeve, and it was like she looked right through him. "Hey, Mae Mae. Dad's okay, and he desperately wants to thank you for saving his life again," Brandon said to which Maeve did not reply. "I see what you mean."

"Has anything like this happened before?"

"Not since she first got her powers."

"What did you do then to snap her out of it?"

"Nothing. We just have to wait it out. Playing soft music will help after she wakes up, but there is nothing we can do, except wait... Do you have any clean shirts? She won't be comfortable sleeping in this."

I walked to my closet area and pulled out a long-sleeve black shirt and a clean pair of boxers. I handed them to Brandon and walked into the hall, ignoring Maeve's distressed breathing. A few minutes passed, and Brandon opened the door. He told me to take care of her, and that he could keep Sky away for the night. I thanked him and walked back inside. Maeve was sitting in the exact spot I left her, breathing heavily. When she noticed me, her breathing slowed to a more normal pace. I turned off all of the lights, grabbed her phone, and put on her calming playlist. Then, I gently moved Maeve so she was lying down under the covers. She scooted up against the wall and I knew what she wanted. I took off my shoes and pants and crawled in next to her. She snuggled into my side and drifted off to sleep. I soon joined her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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