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Analeigh's pov

I insert the gold key into the lock. A bundle of nerves from excitement to fear creep up my body as I prepare to open the door to my new apartment. I made I goal for myself to enjoy my senior year of college and meet new people. I applied to UCLA along with all of my high school friends. I had the intention of rooming with them until we graduated. I was still in a little high school bubble for the first two years of my time at UCLA. My junior year, all of those friends began to drift away. They made new friends at parties, something I never found enjoyable. I ended junior with hardly any friends and I was always in my dorm room alone or in the library studying. So for my final year, I'm going to branch out and start it off right.

I grip the doorknob with my hand, turning it ever so slightly to the right. I open the door hesitantly, praying the apartment is everything the pictures and descriptions online described it. As my take in the room, I'm overwhelmed with relief that everything is in good condition.

There is a mini kitchen to my left with a microwave, stove and cabinets flesh to the back wall. In the middle sits a miniature island, with a sink and a couple of drawers.

I wander over the the open living area, imagining a little couch and table for my record player. On the wall to the right, there is a TV and a fireplace. I think the fireplace makes the space 10 time more cozy, something that really drew me to this apartment.

I sigh, so grateful for a smooth move. My parents said they called the movers and they should arrive in a couple of hours, so I had some time to kill before all my things arrive. I had my computer, medication, charger, and some snacks with me already. Just the essentials.

I decided I would find a new coffee shop close by. I grabbed my backpack and headed through the door, locking everything up behind me.

I made the walk to a close coffee shop. As soon as I walked in, I knew this would be somewhere I would visit frequently to study. there was vinyls lining the walls with a record spinning something at low volume. I walked up to the counter to order my usual drink, an iced caramel latte. Once I had my drink, I found a seat to begin some work.

Over the summer I took a marketing internship at a company back home to help start my career. They still wanted me to do some online work until this semester officially started in a week. I was happy to keep working for them as marketing is my major.

I've been very goal oriented since I started high school. I always knew what I wanted to do and would do anything to get me there.

I worked for about an hour before I noticed a girl walking up to my table. I lifted my head and removed my headphones. "Hey, this may sound super weird but I saw your UCLA sticker on your computer. Are you a student here?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, I am," I replied with a smile, hoping this might spark a friendship.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to party tonight? A couple of sororities along with some frats were going to have a little 'welcome back' party tonight. Would you like to join us?"

Oh great, a party. I knew I should go but I hated the whole party scene. Drinking wasn't something I enjoyed so there really was no point in partying.

"Oh, I'm not in a sorority, thanks though!" I responded before returning my attention back to my work.

"You totally don't have to be in a sorority. It's open to everyone, really, you should join us!" She continues as she moved to the side to point out her table with a couple other girls sitting. As I looked, probably for a moment too long, I couldn't help but envy a big friend group like that. I hated parties, but I knew I had to go if I ever wanted to be excepted into any other friend groups.

"Sure," I decided, "I'll go to the party," I continued, as I gave my phone to the girl. She opened up a new contact, typing in her info. She handed the phone back to me and I looked at looked at her name. Phoebe Bridgers. I always loved the name Phoebe.

As we wrapped up our conversation, she said that she lived down the street as well and would come pick me up around 10. I told her that was perfect as the movers would be out by then. We said goodbye and I couldn't help but smile about a possible new friendship. My first day back and I was already making new friends. Maybe this is a sign this year will be good after all.

a/n: wow first chapter!!! vote and comment!

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