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Analeigh's pov

I heard knocking at my door as I was making sure my outfit and hair looked ok in the mirror.

I went to open it, not expecting who I saw.

Julien was standing there with flowers and a big goofy grin on her face.

"Hey! I- you look great!" I said, stumbling over my words. She was wearing black jeans and a cut-off tank top that exposed the side of her torso. I felt my tongue in the back of my throat and I couldn't make any other words out. Why did she have to look so good all of the time?

She didn't say anything right away, instead, she wrapped her arms around me in a long hug. I couldn't believe my crush that looked so amazing tonight was hugging me right now.

"You look beautiful. And these are for you," she said, extending the flowers to me. They were pink roses. They smelled so perfect.

"They are perfect, you are perfect. Thank you so much!" I said, gushing over the gesture, "Come on in,"

She followed me through the doorway into my apartment. I made my way to the kitchen, grabbing a vase to put the flowers in.

"So I don't think I gave you the code up here," I said, wondering how she made her way to my apartment.

"Oh, a delivery man was gracious enough to hold the door for me. I guess I don't look that big and scary," She said and we both laughed.

"Ok, so the delivery man let you in, how did you find which apartment was mine?"

"I asked," She said, the huge grin reappearing.

"And by that you mean..."

"I knocked on every random door until someone was crazy enough to open it for a stranger, then proceeded to ask which apartment was yours,"

"You're crazy," I said laughing again as I cut the flowers and put them into the vase.

"I guess, but I had to get the flowers to you somehow, or else they would wilt in my car!"

"You're right," I said. I realized now that I needed to go put my shoes on, "Follow me!"

I dragged Julien into my closet, wanting to show her my impressive shoe collection.


"Holy wall of shoes," She said, speechless about the amount of sneakers lining my closet.

I reached up to grab a pair of green New Balance shoes to go with my tank top and ripped blue jeans. I threw a pair of sleep shorts into my bag because I knew I could not sleep in jeans tonight.

"All ready!" I said, turning to Julien.

"Alright. Let's go!" She said and I followed her out to her car.

The drive to Phoebe's was short, we listened to more of Julien's playlist on the way.

"Hey guys!" Julien announced as she opened the door to the apartment.

Phoebe and Lucy both whipped their heads around and saw Julien and I enter together. Their eyes look like they were about to pop out of their heads.

"I take it you didn't tell them you were picking me up?"I asked, turning to look at Julien.

"Forgot," She said, flashing me a quick smile while shrugging her shoulders.

"Come here, guys! We have some pizzas to make!" Lucy said.

Julien and I stepped up to the counter. I started to spread sauce and cheese all over my pizza.

"So how was the date the other day?" Phoebe asked nonchalantly.

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