authors note...

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okok. woah. 

304 READS????

ik that may not seem like a lot to you, but holy crap that means the absolute WORLD to me! thank you all SO MUCH!!!

seeing the notifications that people like this story and they add them to all sorts of different reading lists makes me so insanely happy. 

i do have other books in this series, sooo if you liked this one you could take a look at the others! there's four other ones, one of them is in progress. 

book one ~ distance (dnf)
book two ~ timing (this one)(knf)
book three ~ breakdown (snf)(karlnap)
book four ~ fighting (karlnap)(snf)
book five ~ silence (in progress)(dreamnap)


i love all of you so much and i hope you have the most wonderful day night or morning ever. 

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

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