# rules and payments
all rules should be followed
and payments must be complete before putting in an order
failure to do so will put you on the black list
# R U L E S
001 - be KIND to everyone including me !!
002 - keep your order neat I will not accept a messy order
003 - i can deny the order of anyone !!
004 - you must keep the order for at least a month while i know that seems like a lot this is a bio shop and bios can usually last someone longer than a theme
005 - credit must be given !! failure to do so will lead to a blacklist spot and i will report you !
006 - payments are not optional
007 - your bio should be to you within a week (at most) if it takes longer than that please pm me !!
# P A Y M E N T S
001 - a permanent follow
002 - must vote on all non order parts
003 - shoutout on your mb
004 - add to a public reading list
# V.I.P's
lashtonfullyinvested IiveraIone s-starryknight
fvirylvvergrl- mirrsball JustAsillYbillY
vips dont have to follow rules
I love you all !!
thanks for
by !!