As we walked out the police station, Amari holding our bags after insisting to do so many times, me and Ares exchanged a look.From their crisp, expensive-looking suits to their gold Amari was clear that they were loaded. They had an aura that screamed power and their gaze was enough to make people cower.
After hearing their names I recognized them immediately. Alessandro Lombardi. Current don of the Italian mafia — one of the top 3 in rank. Amari Lombardi. His right-hand man, and son who was to take over the mafia when the time was right.
We entered a black SUV. Amari and Ares sat on either side of me, Alessandro in the front seat and a driver handling the car. We drove off quickly, and I noticed two more SUV'S following close behind. Bodyguards? I also took note that Alessandro had a concealed gun on his right hip, whilst Amari hid one on his left. They both have knives tucked in their shoes from what I can tell, with the slight bump outward showing on their pants.
As an assassin, I had to learn to scan for these things.
As I mentioned before — me, Jay, and Noah's extracurricular activities weren't the most legal. Jayden's dad — Pa, is the American Mafia Don though he slightly still disapproves of our line of work. He can't be saying much about it though...and Ma, Noah's mom, worries for us but could give less of a crap that we kill people on a daily basis. Her father is the don of the Irish Mafia, but she had always tried to stay away from that lifestyle as much as she could.
My phone rang and 'JAY BAE' came up as the contact. The words Jay and bae just sort of rhymed, so naturally, it was his nickname. I turned my phone on silent and flipped it over -- I'd call him back later.
"So. What are you guys into? Like..hobbies, and stuff." Amari's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.
We both were silent, but Amari kept his determined gaze on us and Ares tried to ease the tension by answering.
"Soccer." Ares said quietly. Short and simple.
I shrugged, not giving him the chance to hear my voice yet.
"Lilin, we expect verbal answers at all times unless it is for something unimportant. In that case, a nod or shake of the head will do. This is expected of all your brothers, as well." Amari said in a strict voice, eyeing me.
I stared at him blankly. I just watched my mother commit suicide, held my crying brother in my arms for hours on end, found out I have an alive and very well father along with an older brother. You really think I'm going to speak up right now? To talk about my damn hobbies? And if you must know, it's killing stuck-up assholes like you.
Of course, I couldn't say that all out loud. I continued to stare at him blankly, hardening my gaze and he got the message, sighing defeatedly and throwing his hands in the air, as if wondering why he even bothered.
I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. Ares cuddled into my side for the rest of the ride and we eventually made it to the airport, through an uncomfortable silence.
We got on a private jet — yes private — I knew that these guys were loaded. I let Ares take a window seat and I sat next to him, Alessandro and Amari sat in another booth not too far away, creating distance but likely to just give us space. They exchanged a few words in Italian in the car, and I made a mental note to remind Ares not to let them know we know Italian. It was a good thing to be able to eavesdrop, especially in new environments where you needed more information.
Mom used to bring around many boyfriends. All of them were druggies, crackheads, you name it. I never let them take their anger out on Ares but rather on me or my mother. I didn't really care for them, but one boyfriend out of all of them was one that I really liked. He was kind, sweet, caring. Mom kept him around for about 2 years. By that point, me and Ares would call him 'Pops'. We were fond of him. He used to talk to us in different languages, only occasionally English, and gave us many different language dictionary books so we picked up and learned over 4 more languages over time. It was difficult, but we managed.
We already knew Russian and English. We're now fluent in Italian, Irish, Dari, Farsi, and Spanish. I'm a bit rusty in Greek and Ares is still learning and we both are attempting to learn Arabic. It isn't the easiest though, and it gets insanely confusing sometimes when we can't differentiate them.
As we took off, Ares grasped onto my hand as if his life depended on it. I gave it a reassuring squeeze and after we were steady in the air for about 20 minutes, he only then let go.
We played rock paper scissors for a bit then got bored and had some conversations in Russian.
"Они плохие, Лики?" He asked quietly. Are they bad, Lilin?
"Я не знаю, малыш." I muttered. "Держите наготове. Не показывай им, что понимаешь итальянский и оставайся со мной. Не верь легко." I don't know, kid. Keep your guard up and don't let them know you understand Italian, and stick with me. Don't trust easy."
He nodded his head and we both reclined our seats back quietly after he said he was tired. I removed the armrest and he snuggled into my chest, passing out almost right away.
"One sheep.. two sheep.. uh oh, no sheep.. kebab, yum.." Ares muttered in his sleep, something he did often.
I snorted, very loudly might I add, causing the sperm donor and brother from another mother to look over at me weirdly. I caught their eye and stared, and they quickly went back to their work but I saw them smile to themselves. Good to know my new family consists of two absolute fucking weirdos.
After a while, I dozed off, no matter how much I tried to stay awake — I couldn't.
As I fell asleep, I felt a blanket go over me and Ares and somebody lightly kiss my forehead. Gross.
WC: 1083

RomanceIt's never been easy to admit that you're wrong. It's never easy to fend for yourself. It's never easy to look after your little brother and keep him away from the dangers of the world. It's never easy to have blood on your hands. Yet to a young gi...