Chapter 6: Rocky

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The streets are empty except for the rare car that drives past us toward the exit gate. Our way is lit by fluorescent lamp posts, a few mayflies flitting above, drawn to the light. One of the street lights ahead of us starts to flicker and then dies out completely, leaving a patch of the road unilluminated. The night is young, but in this small part of the world, it feels like we're the only people still awake.

Antonio walks beside me, letting out an infectious laugh every now and then. I feel light and giddy, too. I'm still riding the high from tonight. My step is easy, with a subtle bounce to it. I feel like I'm gliding in air.

Antonio and I stayed at Brando's until closing hours, and we helped Elyse close up shop, putting the chairs up and drawing the blinds. It was half past 9 when we said goodbye to her. Antonio promised to come back very soon. At this hour, there are no more jeepneys going inside the campus. I asked Antonio whether we should book a cab, but he said he's fine with walking. It's a three-kilometer distance, but it's a pleasant evening; there's a slight breeze. Besides, we're from UP. These legs are made for walking.

"What's your day tomorrow look like?", I ask Antonio.

He groans. "My Tuesdays and Thursdays are pretty packed. I have class after class until 7:30."

I groan back.

"I know, right?" says Antonio. "But at least the day starts at 10, so it's not too bad."

"What time was your first class today?"

"I had Philo at 11."

I think for a second, then I look at him impishly.

"What?" Antonio asks.

"So you were avoiding me."

"I was not!" he says indignantly, throwing his hands. "I'm a morning person, I wake up early."

"Are you really?" I say, bemused.

He doesn't say anything for a few moments, and then he faces me, grinning. "Okay, maybe I was avoiding you."

"I knew it!"

"I'm bad at awkward situations, okay? I just wanted to prolong the inevitable."

"And yet, here we are now."

We see more people as we make a turn at Magsaysay Avenue. Most of them seem to have come out of a showing in Cine Adarna. A Lino Brocka retrospective, I read on the marquee.

Antonio speaks. "The thing is, for someone who hates awkward situations, I do seem to find myself in one quite often."

I laugh at this, and he continues. "And you just happen to be involved in two of those situations, and it hasn't even been a week!"

"I'm honored."

"Shut up, dummy."

Friday comes, and I awake to an empty room. Antonio's not on his bed, and he's not in the shower. I stand up to do a quick stretch, and I notice a post-it taped on my desk:

Good morning! Gotta go to Delly's to pick up some stuff for lab class. And NO, I'm not avoiding you.
See you at Socials? :-)

- Tony

The note makes me smile, and I put it inside the expandable pocket of my Moleskine. I walk across to Antonio's side of the room. It's still so vacant. If I didn't know any better, I'd think I didn't even have a roommate. Or that he's a nomadic ghost with no material possessions. First week of classes must have been pretty hectic for Antonio, and he hasn't gotten to getting his things out of storage.

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