♡𝙋𝘼𝙍𝙏 1 ♡

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It was getting late as you propped yourself onto the kitchen counter of Casey Beckers house while listening to her rummage through her pantry trying to find her last jiffy pop, You were at Casey's house for the night to watch some classic horror movies and enjoy some buttery popcorn like they two of you did when you were both younger. You sighed staring at the clock that was placed above the kitchen window, it read 9:45 PM. If felt like forever staring up at the clock until Casey finally pulley the jiffy pop out of the pantry and walked over to the stove.

"Got it" she exclaims.

She turned it on low heat and placed the jiffy pop on top of the burner while the two of you headed into the living room to pick out what film to watch first.

"Hmm, how about we watch Friday the 13th?" You asked Casey, she looked at you with an annoyed expression resting on her face " Oh c'mon y/n we watch that one every time, how about we watch something like.." she pauses scanning over the large selection of movies before picking up 2 VHS tapes " How about we watch Carrie or Halloween first this time?" 
Before you got the chance to complain you both turn your heads to the now ringing phone, Casey sighs, clearly annoyed before reluctantly getting up from her spot and answering the phone

" hello? "

Casey said into the phone, you assumed it was just her boyfriend Steve. You and Steve were friends but never really talked much, you heard a voice coming through the other end of the phone but couldn't make out what the person was saying so you got up and made your way over to Casey to listen in on the conversation.

" Yes? " she said into the phone
Since you were closer than before you could clearly hear what the person was saying and realized it wasn't Steve that was calling but it was someone you nor Casey knew.

"Who is this?" the stranger asked Casey

"Well who you trying to reach?" Casey responded

"What number is this?" The stranger asks causing Casey to roll her eyes but you thought it was strange how the person calling didn't know what number they called. But you decided to brush it off as someone accidentally pressing a wrong number when trying to dial someone else.

" what number are you trying to reach?" She said with a small smile plastered on her face although she was clearly annoyed with this stranger.

" I don't know."

" well than I think you got the wrong number"
Casey exclaimed looking off to the side avoiding eye contact with you

" Do I ?" the stranger responded

" Ya it happens, take it easy " Casey said before hanging up and saying that she was going to check on the popcorn and that she'd be right back. The phone rings again

"can you answer it please y/n??"

Casey yelled from the kitchen 

"SURE" you say before picking up the phone

" hello? " you say

" you sound different, did your friend not want to talk to me anymore?" You could basically hear the playful pout they had on.

" hm maybe,maybe not. Anyways what did you want," you said

" to apologize for dialling the wrong number "
"Your forgiven, Goodbye now" you were about the hang up before you heard the voice say

"No wait don't hang up, I want to talk to you for a little"

You slightly chuckle and say "They've got 900 numbers for that, bye"
You hang up and start heading over to the kitchen to check on Casey and the popcorn, once again you propped yourself on to the wooden kitchen countertop. "who was it this time ?" Casey asked not turning away from the jiffy pop
"I don't know" you said running a hand through your hair, " just the same weirdo who dialled the wrong number, he said he wanted to talk so I suggested him one of those 900 numbers"
You explained to your blonde haired.

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