♡ 𝙋𝘼𝙍𝙏 2 ♡

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Saturday 10:48 am

You groan in pain turning over in the most uncomfortable bed. The light peeks through the curtains shining a ray of sunshine over your sealed eyelids, you pull the thin blanket over your face and attempt to go back to sleep until you heard the voice of a man yell "SHES AWAKE, CAN WE GET A NURSE IN HERE?"

Shocked at hearing an unfamiliar voice in your room you quickly peel the blanket off of your fragile body only to realize you weren't in your room, you were in the hospital with an Iv in your right wrist causing slight discomfort, and bandages on both your palms and knees, but that wasn't even the worst of your pain. A sharp stabbing like sensation comes from your left hip. You lift up your shirt half expecting to see a bruise and half expecting to see a knife lodged into your hip. You lift up your shirt and discover a huge bandage covering the area of the pain. You are about to freak out and leap out of bed until you feel hands on your shoulders.

" hey , hey , lay back down, you're not healed enough to be moving around to much."

You look to your right and see Dewey Riley, a cop but better known as one of your best friends brother. Growing up with Tatum meant lots and lots of sleepovers meaning you had plenty of chances to get to know Dewey. Dewey was a kind and caring person who was always trying to help others in anyway possible ,( probably why he became a cop ) but he could also take charge and be rough when needed. Being an only child you felt like Dewey was like an older brother to you, tho you would never admit it to him or anybody else, especially Tatum.

" how you feeling kid? " Dewey asks with concern in his voice.

" like I've been stabbed." You say chuckling only to stop when you see Dewey's expression.

"Do you even remember what happened?" Dewey said looking into your eyes

Before you could shake your head no the horrible events from last night start flooding your brain.

Last night 10:11 pm
(On call with Ghostface)

"I want to know who I'm looking at" the strange man said into with phone

"What.." you half whispered not wanting to believe what they were saying was true.

"What did he just say" Casey said with horror laced in her voice

"I wanna know who I'm talking to" the stranger said.

" that's not what you said before" Casey stated ripping the phone out of your hands. Knowing Casey she might keep this guy on the phone to long so not wanting to risk your life's on some stupid phone call you take the phone back.

"Listen here you sick fuck" you almost yell into the phone.

"You stop calling this number or else I'm calling the cops." You said hanging up. Turning to Casey you both look at each other for a few minutes while standing in front of the phone incase the stranger calls back, but luckily he didn't. But just to make the two of you feel safer you both go around the house making sure all the doors and windows are shut and locked. That's when you remember the jiffy pop.

You quickly run into the kitchen while Casey is in the living room checking those windows. You get a knife and slice open the tinfoil top, you pour it into a large bowl, that's when You hear the phone ringing again. You and your beloved friend whip your heads in the direction of the ringing before you slowly make your way over to the phone to answer it knowing if you don't answer they would just call back.

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