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December 2003

"Honey, I think that sweater looks really cute! You don't think she'll like it?" Nana asked, holding out a cream-coloured cardigan that looked way too itchy to be comfortable.

"No, Nana. It's not— no. Besides, it's too—"

"Don't worry about the price tag, Rory. I told you I'll help you out!"

I shook my head, furrowing my eyebrows as I glared at all the other sweaters in this store.

"No, Nana," I groaned. "It's my friend's birthday. I wanna get her a present myself. And I wouldn't like a sweater, so, I'm not going to get her a sweater."

My grandma put the sweater back down and then stood there smiling amusedly at me.

"What?" I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm just happy, baby. You're finally making friends!" She said, reaching over to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

I grimaced and pushed her away. "Nanaaaaa," I whined and stomped away.

She followed after me at a leisurely pace, still laughing.

"I'm just saying. I'm proud of ya, hon."

"Thanks. Now, can you help me find an actual present, please? I only have a couple more hours!"

"Why don't you make her something?" Nana suggested, wrapping her arm around my shoulders as we continued to walk through the mall. Well, she walked. I basically dragged my feet around. "Something cute and personalised. You don't have to worry about it costing too much and it'll definitely be something she doesn't already have."

"What would I even make? And what if she doesn't like it? I'm not that creative," I grumbled, stuffing my hands in the pockets of my hoodie.

"A nice card. I can help you bake her something. You can always—"

"No, I don't wanna bake something!"

"Rory, I'm just trying to help here. You said you wanted to get her a present so here we are, trying to find something, but so far, you've turned down all of my suggestions," Nana huffed. She was started to get frustrated with me which made me feel a little guilty since I did make her drive us all the way over here, thirty minutes outside of town so that I didn't accidentally run into Taylor while trying to get her the perfect birthday present.

Nothing was perfect though. Every single option seemed too average. I'm sure her parents were going to get her some new clothes, probably something from Abercrombie & Fitch or Hollister which I could never afford anyway. Abigail told me she was going to get her a new CD. She could get all the makeup and Lip Smackers she wanted. Any new gadgets for her instruments she liked.

I wanted to get her something special and personal and nothing in this mall was good enough.

I could make her something personalised. But I didn't have the time and I didn't have the creativity. I wasn't artsy or crafty.

"Okay, here's what I'm going to do," Nana told me, placing her hands on my shoulders. "I am going to go sit at that coffee shop over there because my back is killing me right now. I'm gonna get myself a cup of coffee and I'm gonna let you roam around for another half hour or so and then— here, take this twenty. Buy anything you like, and meet me back here when you're done. Alright?"

Love, Taylor | TS Where stories live. Discover now