Chapter 6

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In the morning
Pov Ceris
Last night I only pretended to be asleep. In fact I heard everything what Naeus has told me . I didn't expect that he would love me. Unfortunely I couldn't fall in love with any man because my mother was brutally beating me , everytime I spoked to some men. When I fell in love with guy from my class , she even closed me in my room for some days without any food. Then my all
love and hope left me and I couldn't love anyone.
Suddenly I heard knocking and Louise came in . She said:
My queen , Naeus wants to see with you for the last time before the battle.
I got up from the bed and dressed myself quickly . Louise leaded me to portal to the Overworld. Naeus was waiting for me. He let Louise go and said:
Come to me ,  sweetie...
I approached him quickly. Naeus caught my hand by his and kissed my cheeks. I put my head on his shoulder and embraced him tightly. Naeus sighed and whispered:
If I die , I want you to lead the Horde.
I was really shocked . Me as Nether ruler?!
I asked him:
Why the hell , you predict yourself to die? You know how powerful you are? How easly you defeated Ender Dragon!?
He said:
Sometimes , even the strongest warrior fails , then dies or is imprisoned and.....
I couldn't listen to him and I closed his mounth by my kisses. He gave up and put his tongue intro my lips. Naeus put hands all around my hips and waists . Moment later he took his hands from  me and said:
Sorry , I have to join them
I kissed his forehead one last time and saw him leaving me and approaching his people.
Day later...
In the night
About 3.00 a.m.
I was trying to fall asleep but I couldn't . I was freakin worried that Naeus would die....
Then I heard knocking. I got up from the bed and opened the door. That was Kralos:
Sorry to disturb you , my queen but I have to tell you something anxieting.
I was motherfuckin terrifed . Naeus , he died!? I stuttered:
P-please don't tell me , Naeus died?!
He sighed and said:
No he didn't die, but he's really seriously injured ... But don't worry, danger of death is away now , Naeus is in coma.
I asked him:
Can I see him for a minute?
Kralos nodded and leaded me to the Naeus.
When we got to the room  I immedialy approached him and embraced. Naeus's face was in bruises and scars and gray like he was dead . His lips were blackish and dry so I started kissing his lips .

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