Unfiled Prologue

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        The prey ran desperately through dense trunks, his form appearing and disappearing under the bare moon light penetrating the thick rooftop of leaves above. His breath was tainted with sweat from running countless miles, but he couldn’t afford to stop. No, that was too risky. Instead his boots snapped the twigs beneath him as he rushed on, terror overwhelming his heart as he realized that the killer behind was still in pursue. He spun around and pulled out the revolver from his belt, firing twice blindly into the darkness, and then kept running on.

        The prey’s HAZE smoke bomb was wearing off as he tired; the spell taxed his body thoroughly. The mist set over the forest started to purify and he was sure the killer had him locked-on. There was no way out.

        Just a bit more, The prey thought as he cursed. He was just two hundred meters before he breached the borderline where his companions hid. The killer may have taken out every one of his teammates, but I have to live on!

        “It’s no use.” a cold voice stated from the shadows behind him. The prey felt his heart sucked in fear for a split second before he turned and shot again, eyes wide open in search of the enemy. His ankle suddenly twisted and he crumpled to the ground, shouting in agony as he finally saw-

        THE KILLER

        The hooded figure stood within the canopy of countless branches, his slender form impossible to tell whether male or female. The prey cussed; No wonder I never hit. Now only two bullets remained in the barrel as he watched in despair, the killer raised his weapon calmly.

       A gun? A sword? The prey was about to aim before the revolver was knocked out of hand by an invisible bullet. Lightly the hooded figure descended to the forest ground, his black robe spread out behind him like trailing shadows. Silent as a ghost he walked forward, allowing the prey to draw out his last dagger as the last line of defence.

        The prey was smashed into the earth within a blink, leaving him staring breathlessly at the starry sky.

        The killer’s weapon took dead aim at the prey’s skull, the bladed barrel pointed between two eyes. The prey finally saw the killer’s face. The last face.


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