Unfiled Chapter IV

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                                                        IV. Liberation


        Rina and I arrived at the bottom of Fox’s sniper tower, where a hooded figure waited while leaning on the wall, standing perfectly still. His tattered and ripped black robe trailed him along on the ground. His waist strapped by a scarlet torture belt containing dull metal spikes pointing inward punturing the robe and his flesh, using the pain to keep its master focused. Out of all my crazy friends, only one wore this demoniac armor. What the hell is He doing here?

        I set Rina down beside me and walked towards the hooded figure, readying Kirasoul. As I approached his two-meter kill radius, the figure lifted his head, his eyes thirsty for blood. On his face was a devilish smile, one that would give even the bravest soldiers nightmares.

        “You were sent to assassinate the pope and you didn’t ask me to come with you?” The hooded figure said as I walked near. “Some kind of friend you are.”

        Steven the Reaper, born of children’s nightmares, easily dominated the shadow arts to perfection. His being was one the darkness itself, allowing him to control shadows and anything that lies beyond daylight. Due to this, his friends crowned him “The Prince of Darkness” because of his adroit skills. Now thinking, I really should have asked him in the first place.

        The two of us raised our right fists before us and clashed knuckles, smashing our knuckles together as hard as we could. Being a mech-doll, I easily crushed his every bone, but he simply recovered by bending down and dipping his hand into his shadow.

        “So, how did you know that I was here?” I asked.

        “How could I not? The entire Den is talking about it!” Steven smirked.

        Without warning, Steven suddenly swung his hand out of the shadow, pointing his forefinger at my face. I watched coldly as the blade of his beloved scythe emerged out of the darkness and ascended at my neck so fast that I almost didn’t have time to react. Almost..

        Why does he have to attack me every time we meet?

 Out of reflex I slammed Kirasoul downwards at the scythe blade, parrying the scythe tip with the gunblade’s flat side. The sound of metal clashing rang on for miles, echoing twice before ending. Steven and I both lowered our weapons.

        “That was loud,” Fox said as she pushed open the door of the sniper tower. Her upgraded PSG-1, the Introverta, was hid in the gun pack on her left shoulder. Dressed in the league’s formal white blouse and black skirt, she could have fooled the Vatican guards as a foreign with her innocent looks, but the several gun holsters on her belt gave her away. This girl is as powerful as an entire US SEALs assault team put together.

        “Next time you pull something as crazy as this off, remember to invite me,” Steven commanded while ordered his scythe back into his shadow and stood up. Rina looked at the three of us in confusion, unsure how to react to my friends.

        “So, what made you halt the mission and call time out?” Fox asked while twirling her hair.

        I took a deep breath and faced everyone.

        “The plans have changed. There’s another pack in the Vatican, and it seems that they are also hunting for our prey. Rina here-” I motioned to her “Has just decided to switch sides and help us. We just took out one of their members, so the score is four sinners on their side and four on our side, if you would like to play, Steven.”

        “How could I miss a game like this?” The Reaper said “An entire feast of prey, two hot girls, even a pope. Let’s party, guys!”

        Fox frowned at Steven. Very slowly, she pulled out a SW500 from her holster on her belt and pointed it between Steven’s brows. “Was that an insult, you mongrel?”

        The Reaper apologized immediately.

        Rina coughed twice to clear her throat before speaking.

        “Actually, this entire incident is my fault. Thank you all of coming, but-”

        “I’m in,” Fox broke in before Rina could finish.

        Rina looked at Fox wordlessly.

        “It’s not often the Killer helps people and I’d like to see why he chose to help you,” Fox explained as she cracked her knuckles and tied her hair into a ponytail like Rina.

        “Plus,” Steven said “It’s Christmas, the more the merrier.”


        “Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone special.” Fox sung as the four of us infiltrated the Vatican from the sewer system, walking past the borderlines without alerting any guards. Rina walked in front of the three of us, deactivating every trap that she had set earlier as we proceeded to her snipe tower.

        The sniping point was a bit too small for four sinners to fit in, but it was the only place for discussion. Our plan was simple: Each of us would take on one of their pack, and the one that finishes their foe the fastest will get the pope. If anyone falls, the rest will have to cover up for them.

        “Alright, everyone ready?” I asked while taking three steps back. Together, the three sinners behind me readied their weapons and gave a nod.

        I turned to the light source and detonating the bombs around it to explode, blasting our way out of the sniping mound as the four of us rushed out, landing on in the middle of the chaotic central square.

        Merry Christmas

        The entire Vatican was a mess.

        Due to the previous conflict between Allen Hawk and me, terror had already spread throughout the innocent visitors. Now a four-floor building was lighting up above the entire square……well, the chaos just got out of hand.

        “The curved blade is mine.” Steven called out as he gave a high leaping jump, leaping all the way onto the rooftop of an ancient building, then vanished into the darkness. Behind me, Fox gave me a light tap on my shoulder, signaling to me that she had found her own target. I gave her a nod, and she ran off into the crowd, drawing out two Government Aces, shooting anyone who got in her way.

        Rina and I ran towards the Vatican church. I slashed Kirasoul before us to clear the path; I didn’t care who I was killing now.

        “Leon, watch out!” Rina cried as the two of us rushed pass my lucky water fountain. The Vatican guards had already given up on the safety of the visitors, they now formed a defense line before the church. Police SUVs formed a thick barrier between the church and us, the guards using the vehicles as cover while keeping us in their aim.

        I took a deep breath and loaded Kirasoul with a summoning bullet, hoping that my triumph card would be able to arrive in time. If it didn’t, well, I would be able to withstand the storm of bullets, but Rina would definitely be shot dead.

        “STRARF!” I called to the sky while pulling the trigger.

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