Chapter 3

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Sunoo was sitting on the couch, Waiting for Jay to come home, flipping through channels on the TV, unable to concentrate on anything but his anticipation for Jay's arrival.

Minutes turned into what felt like hours, he miss Jay so much. Suddenly, he heard the familiar sound of a car pulling up outside. His heart skipped a beat, and a wide smile spread across his face. Without hesitation, he jumped off the couch and dashed towards the front door, unable to contain his excitement.

As he swung open the door, there stood Jay, a tired smile on his face. Sunoo's eyes lit up, and he wrapped his arms tightly around Jay, showering him with warm hugs and sweet kisses. Jay returned the affectionate gestures, feeling instantly comforted and loved in Sunoo's embrace.

After settling in, Sunoo suggested they have dinner. Together, they prepared a delicious meal, taking turns in the kitchen while chatting about their day and the exciting plans they had for the future. Sitting on the soft sofa, they savored each bite with joy, stealing glances at one another as they exchanged stories and shared laughter.

As the night grew darker, their longing for each other became more apparent. The room was filled with an intoxicating blend of love and desire. Sunoo leaned in, capturing Jay's lips in a gentle kiss. Their hands intertwined, fingers interlocking as their affection grew stronger with every moment.

Unable to resist the magnetic pull between them, they decided to go upstairs. Step by step, their kisses became more passionate, filling the air with an electrifying energy. They climbed into bed, their bodies entwined, exploring the depths of their love and desire for one another.

Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other's arms, their connection deepening with every touch and whisper. The night was a tender symphony filled with moans of pleasure and whispered declarations of love.

In the embrace of their shared love, Sunoo and Jay found solace, joy, and a deep sense of fulfillment. Their love was like a flame that burned brighter with every passing moment, fueling their desires and binding them together in a bond that was unbreakable.

And as the night whispered sweet promises of a future filled with love and togetherness, they found the comfort they had longed for in each other's arms, knowing that their devotion would guide them through any storm that life may bring.

"I love you Sunooya" Jay Said then kiss him in the forehead before he lay his head down.

"I love you most Jay"


Sunoo stood in front of the mirror, fixing his clothes, He couldn't contain his excitement as he prepared to meet Benjamin, the photographer who would capture the essence of his love story with Jay. Little did Sunoo know that Benjamin and Sunghoon, his ex-lover, were one and the same.

When Sunoo and jay was about to leave, Jay's phone rang, filling the room with the familiar ringtone. Jay's face instantly clouded with worry as he listened to the urgent voice on the other end. There was an emergency meeting at his workplace, and he had to attend immediately.

With a sigh, Jay turned to Sunoo, their eyes reflecting disappointment. "Love, I'm really sorry, but I'll have to go to the office. Can you meet Benjamin alone? I trust you, and I know you will handle everything fine," Jay explained, his voice tinged with regret.

Sunoo's heart sank for Jay, knowing how hard he had been working lately. He understood the importance of Jay's career, and without hesitation, Sunoo nodded.

"Of course, Love. I understand. Don't worry, go to your meeting. I'll meet Benjamin and make sure everything goes smoothly," Sunoo reassured him, his voice filled with sincerity.

With a supportive smile, Jay quickly kissed Sunoo on the lips and rushed out of the house, leaving Sunoo to gather his thoughts and head to the meeting location alone.

Sunoo was filled with excitement as he got into his car, eager to discuss the creative vision for their pictures.

Just as he was about to enter the café to meet Benjamin, his phone buzzed with a new text message. he quickly glanced at his phone and read a surprising message from the Photographer. It says that he was already inside, waiting in the corner.

Sunoo walked into the café and scanned the surroundings, searching for Benjamin. His eyes fell upon a man in the corner, Busy tapping in his phone, seemingly unaware of Sunoo's presence. Sunoo approached the man, his heart racing, only to freeze with shock when he saw his ex-lover, Sunghoon, sitting before him.

Memories flooded back, causing a whirlwind of emotions in Sunoo's heart. Confusion swirled within him as he wondered how Benjamin could be Sunghoon. Sunghoon looked up from his phone, surprise flickering across his face as he locked eyes with Sunoo.

"Sunoo.." Sunghoon stammered, his voice tinged with unease.

Sunoo found his voice, though it trembled slightly as he replied, " were Benjamin? How did this happen?"

Sunghoon's gaze softened."Ah yes" Sunghoon reply "I'm sorry, Sunoo. Benjamin is my Works name. i hope you still okay with me being your photographer"

Feeling a mix of emotions, Sunoo tried to process the situation. Part of him felt relief, knowing that Sunghoon was still present in his life, despite their past. 

With a vulnerable expression, Sunoo asked, "Why didn't you tell me, Sunghoon? Why keep this a secret?"

Sunghoon sighed, his hands nervously fidgeting. "I wanted a chance to be part of your happiness again, Sunoo. When I heard about your engagement, it felt like fate had given me a second chance. But I understand if you're angry."

Sunoo's mind raced, torn between conflicting emotions. Memories of their past love and the desire to move forward with Jay. Taking a deep breath, he decided to listen to his intuition and understand Sunghoon's intentions.

"Sunghoon, it's a lot to process," Sunoo admitted, his voice filled with sincerity. "But let's talk. Let's have an honest conversation, without any hidden agendas. I owe you that much."

Sunghoon nodded, a flicker of hope shining in his eyes. They found a quiet corner in the café, where they shared their stories, fears, and hopes – baring their souls to one another once again.

As they talked, Sunoo realized that life presented unexpected twists and turns, often veering away from the plans we set for ourselves. And within the complexity of their reunion, he understood that he needed to have an open heart and mind, both for himself and for the love he shared with Jay.

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