Episode 1

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(Back in time,Im Seung-Woo's childhood time in Jeju)
(I.S.W playing a pretend play with his friends)
I.S.W:- I am the Demon king and you will follow my orders.
Friend 1:- Yeah sure,as always you are going to pretend to be a Demon king.
Friend 2:- Enough of the discussion,start the game already.

(Time skip at I.S.W's school)
Teacher:- And the best costume cosplay award goes to Im Seung-Woo for playing the role of Demon lord...(Applauses)
(I.S.W taking the award)....Dear,would you like to say something about your role?
I.S.W:- First of all,i would like to thank everyone present here. Since my childhood,I loved demonic things and I felt that I was connected to it somehow.

(At I.S.W's home)
I.S.W went to his mom,Oh Ha-Na.
I.S.W:- Mom...see I got the award for playing the role of the Demon king...
O.H.H:- Dear son,demons are not good for children of your age,they might have a bad influence on you. Promise me that you won't talk about demons again.
I.S.W:- I love Demons but talking about them makes you upset so i promise not to talk about them again.

(9 years later, in Gangwon, I.S.W joined a new high school)
Alarm rings , I.S.W waking up with a yawn
I.S.W:- A new day,a new start. First day of new high school, don't know what to do, don't know what will happen, but just hoping for the best.
Mom.....Is my breakfast ready? I'm getting late for school.
(After having breakfast)
I.S.W:- Okay! So now I'm leaving for my workplace mom....
O.H.N:- Workplace? You are going to study there.
I.S.W:- But that is a workplace for my brain, so it's the same. Okay now I'm leaving. Bye!
O.H.N:- Bye!

(At school gate)
I.S.W:- I am finally here! A new start! Let's just go to the principal cabin.
In the corridor,on his way to the cabin,a guy bumps into his shoulder.
I.S.W:- Ohh Sorry!
The guy just gives him a wierd look and leaves.
I.S.W:- Strange!

(At the principal's cabin)
I.S.W:- (Knocking on the door) Sir, may I come in?
Principal:- Yes! Who are you, child?
I.S.W:- I am Im Seung-Woo, the student that transferred from Jeju.
Principal:- Oh yes! Your mother called me yesterday to ask about your class.
Principal:- Your class is...umm... Yes 11-2 ,which is the science class. And here is your ID card.
I.S.W:- (taking the ID card) thank you sir (about to leave but remembers) umm sir which way is my class?
Principal:- (laughs) Just wait for 5 minutes,I'll tell Mr.Park, your professor, to lead the way.
(I.S.W enters the class with Prof.Park)
I.S.W:- (surprised) You!!!
Other guy:- (surprised) You!!! WTF man!

(End Of Episode 1)
Who is this guy that I.S.W met? Do they know each other?
Let's find out in Episode 2

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