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three days after the party.

it was fair to say jas was still a bit hungover as she drunk an excessive amount that night.

the night ended with mia struggling to carry her to the door and getting thrown up on.

the blue dress was now in the bin. there was no saving it.

if jas made a wrong move like over stretch too fast, she still had the feeling she was going to throw up. so she was careful and delicate with everything she did, mainly feeling sorry for herself.

the two girls had their first class of the semester yesterday which went well.

jas didn't think of university as school, she thought of it as a social life so her classes to her meant nothing and just a small blip she had to get through to enjoy herself.

mia however had the time of her life. her art teacher seemed to take a liking to mia so she was happy she settle in so fast.

today was wednesday, the day mia started her new job. she hoped she was have the same luck settling in like she had with her classes.

she wore her tight long sleeved black top with black leggings before placing her black north face jacket on the top.

she never wore much black, mainly pastels. but this was the uniform guide she was told by nikki. she had to borrow the top from jas as the only black shirt she owned was a black corset top which definitely wasn't suitable for a starbucks job.

mia placed a hair tye in between her teeth and brushed her hair through her fingers as she pulled it back into the pony tail and let it fall.

she left the bathroom and took one last look at jas curled up in her bed on her phone, probably scrolling through tik tok.

she wondered whether she should say anything but decided not too as jas would probably only ignore her anyway.

mia sighed before leaving the dorm room into the empty corridor.

she walked down the stairs, passing a few people on her way before heading back out onto the street.

it was now coming towards the end of september and the weather was started to change to winter in the air.

mia made the short walk to the starbucks and walked in to see nikki at the front desk serving a customer.

she walked around to the back of the counter where nikki gave her a face as too say 'wait there i'll be there in a second'.

mia was good at reading people's faces. she knew what they were thinking before they said it out loud.

sometimes it worked in her favour, other times she got the bad impressions from people.

she got it a lot when her and jas were at parties and jas would be flirting with some guy whilst the guys friend was looking at jas as to say 'why am i left with the second best friend?'

it hurt but mia was strong minded and tried to make herself believe they weren't thinking those things.

nikki was now finished serving the old man who ordered a mocha with no coffee, not only confusing mia but also nikki too.

nikki settled on just giving him a hot chocolate as that was what a mocha with no coffee was right?

nikki took some short steps over to mia and gave her a welcoming smile.

"you showed up, that's the hardest part over with." nikki said making mia smile.

she opened the small gate leading to behind the counter to let mia in and out to the back.

I Can See You - TY SIMPKINSWhere stories live. Discover now