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mia sighed as she entered her room. her class this afternoon dragged as she had a lot on her mind.

she didn't like how she left things with ty last night and worried that she may of ruined what could've been.

and she was yet to speak with jas about their fight.

although she wanted to avoid it for as long as possible, she knew she had to get it over and done with.

she could hear jas in the shower as she entered the dorm and placed her back pack besides her bed.

she had some time before her shift so she picked up her ipad which opened up on the drawing that she made last night in ty's room.

mia looked stared at it and appreciated her work before jas flung out of the bathroom.

her hair was damp and a towel was wrapped around her body.

"oh you're back." jas stated in almost a disappointing way.

mia scoffed at her rudeness.

"where have you been running off too the last few nights." jas asked but mia felt no need to answer that.

plus she didn't want jas to find out about ty because knowing her, she will get her claws in.

"working." mia stubbornly answered.

jas was too self inflicted about herself to know mia was lying.

"well do you have something you want to say to me?" jas asked implying that mia apologised.

although this wasn't all mia's fault and she knew she shouldn't be taken the full blame. she knew if she didn't apologies, no one would. and mia would be stuck sharing a dorm for 4 years with someone she didn't speak too.

"i'm sorry." mia forced out. she hated lying, but this was one of those sacrifices she had to make.

"you screaming at me was so uncalled for. we're best friends mia, we only have each other in this place. we can't be falling out over petty things like that." jasmine lectured mia like a teacher.

"i know..." mia mumbled like a child getting told off.

"i'm willing to accept your apology on this occasion but it can't happen again." jas stated.

mia couldn't hold in her scoff.

jas just gave her a straight look and dismissed mia.

the room fell silent as the two began doing their own things.

jasmine on her phone probably texting some boy.

and mia preparing for her shift.

although technically both girls 'resolved' their issue, mia was still bitter.

she didn't feel it was resolved at all but had to push down her feelings.

she finished getting ready and grabbed her tote bag to make her way to work.

just as she was about to leave the dorm, jas called out.

"try not to be so loud coming back into the dorm tonight, i have to be up early tomorrow." jas said making mia roll her eyes in return.

one thing about jas was that she was always going to make you feel bad after an argument. she'd say little snarky things like that to make you feel bad.

mia tried not to cave into her bullshit and just carry on with her day.

she forced out a smile in response which was obviously fake but jasmine was too busy texting on her phone to see it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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