Chapter 8: Siren Songs

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🧜‍♂️Siren Songs🧜‍♂️


"Good afternoon my gorgeous! Keep those freshies and sophies coming in, yeah~ Hello Helio and Rijo!" A loud bustling welcome made by a megaphone greeted us. Ms. Aelyza seemed in a good mood or she was always in a good mood.

The room swept off any silence even though there were only seven people present. It made the surroundings fight for a warmer atmosphere in spite of having cold central air.

"You two, come here. let's circle in," Ms. Aelyza instructed us, swaying her megaphone. I saw them gathering on the empty stage like having a freedom forum.

The circle was almost done. Rijo sat like a ninja beside a girl followed by a guy then a girl arching to Ms. Aelyza, and then followed by Sage. A gap was highlighted between them which told me that that might be my seat.

I betted they were having conflicts.

My mind was absorbed by the idea of what on Earth were we sitting in Indian. I paused and eyed everyone, still thinking of the confusion.

"Sit like this, Helio." Rijo tapped his legs with his hands two times, showing me how he sat.

I bowed reaching for the floor and slowly fell myself into place. Took off my bag and placed it on the side near Sage. At the same time, accidentally noticed Sage eyeing Rijo with such a gaze.

I gave them both a side-eye.

"Oh my! This is going to be fun!" I covered my ears in an instant as Ms. Aelyza voiced using her megaphone as if we weren't already near enough. 

"Oh, sorry about that." She finally chased away her megaphones.

"Okay! Welcome everyone in the first ever official training of the competition," with a jocular expression. "Don't be scared I will not treat you like the military. That will be abuse to my gorgeous people here," parted with a smile.

"Give me an introduction containing your name, your age, your department, and...your favorite song. Let me start with myself. You know me, I'm Aelyza Maracua with a Ms. in the beginning. I'm currently twelve," she whispered the last phrase. "Of course, from the literature department. And My favorite song is..." She gave suspense by pausing.

Miss Aelyza's favorite song must be one of the songs of the Crusaders. Thinking of it felt like the world was so small that people like Ms. Aelyza are fans of the Crusaders. They were just a small band the first time I heard their first song. It was before I became so intrigued by their music that I kept their songs on repeat while studying.

"The Pastel Skies by the Crusaders. I truly recommend listening to it." Ms. Aelyza slowly sounded like an avid fan.

I pierced a hole in my mouth, feeling the nostalgia of the song. It made me come along with the avidity of her, fanning like I've owned merch.

"Are you fine, Helio?" A question appeared beside me.

I looked at Rijo and gave him an intense nod.

"Okay, who's next? Maybe we'll start to my right." Ms. Aelyza

The girl seemed shocked after everyone turned their eyes on her.

"'m...C-Clarity..." She stammered.

"It's okay, don't be shy. I remember you being confident in front of the class last time." Ms. Aelyza reached her hands to Clarity's, trying to calm her.

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