Episode 4

315 17 1


What do you think? Fun, right?

Panic and confusion spread. Then a voice.

"F**K! What is this?! What the hell is going on?!"







🄲 🅁' 🄾

The beginning to Paywall
Part 3

Dokja felt Sangah flinch her hand away from Dokja as she trembled.

That's strange. Why hasn't 'he' appeared yet? The events I'm familiar with... and those I didn't know were even part of the story were all happening at once. Dokja pulled out his phone. If I could just read TWSA again, I could know what to do, but... On his screen where he originally read TWSA was a ugly red symbol and the words "NO RESULTS WERE FOUND>" Doamn it. I gues it was removed. But why? This series isn't even popular, so I doubt someone would've tried to illegally share it. Then a sudden realization hit him. He started scrolling on the message he received from Tls123. There was a file. No... it cant be... He clicked on it. The attachment was labeled:


Dokja's eyes widened. He rubbed his eyes and stared back Googly eyed back at his phone. ?! Did he send me his novel as a present?! Isn't this illegal sharing? Or does it not matter since he's the author? Each of the TWSA survivors receive a special attribute... and a skill that is linked to that attribute. A blue screen appeared in front of him.

[you have received and exclusive attribute.]
[a skill slot has been unlocked]

It's just like a game. I'll need to figure out my attribute then. Attributes window.


[Attributes window cannot be opened.]

What-? Attributes window. Attributes window. Dokja thought frantically, but the same ugly blue screen kept popping up. What the hell is going on? If i can't access my attribute window, i won't be able to find out what my attributes and skills are. A irk mark appeared on his forehead. Oh,well. I'll just read the attached file first.

[your attribute has been activated.
You are now able to read at a faster speed.]

Dokja's eyes glowed blue. He clutched the Side of his head. W-what? THAT was my attribute? It just took e less than a minute to read the opening chapter of TWSA... But thanks to that... bingo! He found what he was looking for. ...it was cabin number 3707.

With that, I realized why I had felt so uneasy. The reason the events unfolding around me were different from what I remembered. Was that the protagonist of TWSA's prologue was actually in the subway cabin behind this one.

Wait. Then... what happened to the people in 3807 in the story? Then, he realized. Only two people will survive in that cabin. Dokja looked back and heard a voice full of bloodlust. "F**k. Where the hell do you think you're going?" He saw a man with white hair holding a grandma by her shirt. "Please...! L-let me go...!" The weak voice said. "Shut your mouth." And with that the man smacked the old woman.

As I saw the old woman being smacked until she was bleeding, i looked away. It's not like she's going to survive anyway. Not in a world like this now. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" A angry voice shouted grabbing the white haired mans hand. "You little brat. Didn't they teach you to respect your elders...?!" The businessman known as Mr.Han said. "Huh?" The man said back. As they started talking Sae saw the white haired man who she knew was Namwoon Kim point to the screen which was floating above the cabin. Until Sae heard. "We... have to pick the ones who will die. We have no choice. It's kill or be killed. Who can blame us when our own lives are on the line?"

"Think wisely. The world you knew just ended. And in this new world...we have new rules to follow."

Namwoon started going back to what he was doing. After a few minutes as the cabin was filled with more screams or terror and blood. Sae finally saw Sangah dash towards Namwoon.

As I finally calmed Sangah down, I waited for the right moment. I closed my eyes and waited. Then suddenly there was yellow light. As it flashed through the cabin.

The moment is NOW!!

And with the flash of light, Dokja sprinted the way toward Namwoon.


Category: MAIN
Difficulty: F
Time limit: 30 minutes
Reward: 300 coins
Penalty for failure: Death


Time remaining:
7 minutes
32 seconds









Hey there who ever is reading this. I've never really written and published a story before so im open to any suggestions. I upload when I can but there will be this period of time where i dont upload because im probably on a trip. So please hang tight with me. Thank you :>
I also might change to a different account and keep posting on there so look out for that as well.

Let's live to read the epilogue// Kim Dokja x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now