The script I used for these next chapters comes from EvanMCGaming's video, The Egg, about the DMSP lore. I will be linking his channel and the video below.



December 6th, 2020, a large obsidian wall surrounds the entirety of L'manburg. Just two days had passed since Tubbo exiled Tommy from the nation. A day caught in the middle of peace and war. But what was a day in the heart of one story, would be the beginning of another, as deep in the shadows, a new threat in the server had just started to grow.

Bad stood in awe at what lied in front of him. He'd never seen anything like it before. A deep red cased the entirety of the strange object. Whatever it was, it made him feel... Different. He thought about destroying the weird-looking plant, but immediately got a rush of fear at the thought of doing so. Confused and scared of his new discovery, Bad fled the room hoping to find someone else to show the mysterious object. 

As he returned to his and Skeppy's mansion, he found his friend and fellow member if the badlands, Sam, who was beginning work on a prison nearby with Dream. Quickly, Bad explained the situation and led the two to the strange red egg.

"Do you see that thing in the corner?" he asked, pointing at the red egg "What do you think it is?"
"I have no idea, but I do not like it" answered Sam "It just looks evil, I mean it's like dark red..."
"I know!" he exclaimed "But there's something about it, it's just like..."
"It's almost like pretty though"
"It is pretty. Like I was getting ready to mine a chunk and then..." he offered before exclaiming "Oh my goodness, again that vibe coming off of it... What do you think it is?"
"I don't know" said Dream "Should we break it?"
"No! Don't break it!" exclaimed Bad "I don't want it broken. I like it."
"It does have like a very very dark vibe though like..." added Sam " Does it look kind of like an egg to you Dream?"
"It's kinda weird I don't wanna..." he started "It's kinda creeping me out."
"You're telling me you didn't build this?" asked Sam
"No, I found it" answered Bad "And it's mine now. You know what actually, when I originally found it, this was not here." he commented, pointing at the vines "These little tendril thingies."
"It's expanding...?"
"Yeah! That's kinda weird. It's mine"
"It's making me a little uncomfortable" said Sam
"What!? What's uncomfortable about it?"
"This isn't supposed to happen in the game, I mean like I've never seen this thing before."
"Get out." said Bad, his tone changing "If you don't like it I don't want you looking at it."
"We might as well leave." conceded Dream
"Yeah I guess we'll leave you to it" added Sam, as the three made their way to the staircase

 As the three left the room and made their way down prime path, Sam noticed something growing on the side of the socializing club. A deep red vine gripped the side of the building. Bad jumped with joy at the sight of the vine, while Sam and Dream questioned how it got there in the first place. At Bad's request, they decided to leave the vine alone and continued down the path. As they reached Bad's mansion, another red vine sprouted from the pond outside. 

This was not a coincidence. Just minutes ago, the group stood in that very spot and no vines covered the wall. But suddenly, out of absolutely nowhere, they appeared, and Bad would not let anyone close to them. Having had enough of the new discovery and Bad's strange behavior, Dream and Sam decided to continue work on the prison. But Bad couldn't seem to shake his new friend. Slowly, the vines crept across the path outside the mansion and onto the other walls. 

New growth was discovered on Tommy's tower and throughout the rest of the day, Bad brought more and more people to see the mysterious egg. Most felt very uneasy in its presence, some even suggesting they tear it down. But others were drawn to it, unable to avert their gaze from its majestic red figure. Over the following days, new vines appeared and spread across the server. No where was safe from the reach of the egg. 

Bad and Antfrost, seeking to please the egg, planted seeds all around the server, hoping to spread its influence as quickly as possible. Before long, Bad and Ant had gotten both Captain Puffy and Adelaide on their side, and together, the four vowed to protect the egg and continue to plant new vines around the SMP.



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