Propaganda coded the walls of every building. Vines spread as far as the eye could see, the chaos was beginning. And with the spreading of their message, the Eggpire seeked to recruit more allies to help them remain in control.

First, Bad and Ant discussed getting Eret on their side because of the power and influence he held as king. Next, they needed to convince Sam to join the Eggpire in their quest for chaos, but this was much easier said than done. Since day one, Sam had a bitter hatred and would not take it well when he found out his equals in the badlands went behind his back. And as they expected, Sam was furious of what they intended to do, refusing to join their cause. He had just locked Dream away in prison to stop chaos and was not about to join some cult to spread more, but Bad and Ant had a plan to make him like the egg.

A few days later, Bad and Ant attempted to expose Tommy to the egg, with the hopes of getting him on their side. Tommy, seeking to investigate the egg as a potential threat to the building of his hotel, asked Ant and Bad to lead the way. And as they approached the core, Tommy felt something strange... Tommy felt and uncontrollable urge to swear.

"The egg is saying that all three of us should start swearing!" he exclaimed, "The egg just told me to start swearing and that you need to swear next!"

Tommy didn't seem to be affected by the egg, and in the eyes of the Eggpire, that made him the most dangerous person to their cause. Bad and Ant quickly decided that they needed to get rid of Tommy as he was unable to be controlled by the egg. Later that day, the Eggpire gathered for another meeting. This time to convince Sam permanently.

"Already, have you guys seen what's happened okay?" he told the people present at the meeting, "Dream is in jail, the server is devolving into chaos, factions forming everywhere you look, this is a problem. We need a uniting force, we need something that everybody can agree is a bad thing to bring everybody together. People will think the egg is bad, but the egg is ultimately good. We all know that, anyone who spent enough time with it comes to realizing it."

"No, the egg is so bad." said Sam

"It's not!" chuckled Bad "All right, hear me out, here's the ultimate plan okay? One by one, we bring people to the egg, bring them to our side, get them to see things our way. Let the egg spread its influence, let the vines cover the SMP. When the vines have officially, and effectively, covered everything, that's when we come out, that is when we resolve the problem, we come in and boom, we're heroes, and that's the point. It's just we're all gonna do it under the guidance and wisdom of the egg. You understand?"

"No, I don't understand!" exclaimed Sam, visibly frustrated with his former friend.

"Sam, I'm trying to get through." sighed Bad.

"I loath the egg. The egg is awful, I don't care what you say."

"I know, I know..."

"This is not a good thing. The Eggpire is not a good thing. This was a bad idea from the beginning, it's still a bad idea now."

"Okay so, let me make this clear." declared Bad, his tone changing slightly, "You're in no circumstances willing to back down on this issue?"

"No, no, we should not be doing this, we should be doing the opposite of this actually."

"Ugh, alright."

"Alright? That's fine?" Sam asked suspiciously.

"Alright, alright that's fine."

"Alright what?" he continued confused

"Goodbye Buddy."

And with that, Bad pressed a button he had hidden in front of his chair. Sam dropped down a hidden chute, right above the egg.

"What???" exclaimed Puffy, and Adelaide jumped back, staring at her friend in horror.

"Bad!?" yelled Adelaide, with fear glowing in her eyes.

"Kill Puffy and Adelaide Ant" ordered Bad.

The two girls ran, shocked at what they had just witnessed, and scared for their friend that now stood deep underground in the heart of the egg. Sam was trapped, layers of obsidian stood between him and freedom. With every breath he took the egg seeped deeper and deeper into his mind. It was enough to break even the strongest of wills. Sam stood at the mercy of the egg for the rest of the night, alone, with its raw and ruthless power.

The two girls ran until they reached Niki and Addy's home. Frantically, they explained to her what had just happened. She tried to sooth them with no avail. They were too afraid of their former friends and scared for their friend. That night, they couldn't sleep, they stayed awake, planning, finding a way to break Sam out.

The next morning, Puffy and Adelaide noticed Tommy on their way to break Sam out and informed him of what had happened. Quickly, the three made their way to the egg and Puffy broke a hole in the obsidian for Sam to escape through. Sam was destroyed. He was disoriented and traumatized from the torture the egg had caused him. He was staved, exhausted, and just wanted to go home. Tommy, Puffy and Adelaide, just wanting their friend to be okay, took him home so he could rest and recover from what had happened that night.



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