Chapter 7 The Wedding ( Part 2)

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At last, it is finally time for Maryden to walk the aisle. With plenty of important people sitting down on both sides of the green carpet everyone's eyes is on her. but to her none of that matter, the only one o is allowed to attend to those on her side is the queen. The rest well they are either soldiers that she doesn't have a good relationship or strangers. Unfortunately, her comrades and maid don't have a high enough position to be allowed to attend as this is not only her wedding but the wedding between 2 countries. But it does seem that her groom has plenty of close people on his side, she can after all recognize some of them because she has seen other knights fighting them. Her team where always given unimportant missions or death missions that seemed impossible. So she never fought with the 5th army herself directly. Her focus was always on stragglers, deserters, scouting missions, or the second army. That is why she found it strange that the 5th general saw her as a worthy rival.

 So she decides to walk straight forward with a confident stride like she is going to battle, ignoring everyone watching her. At the front, she sees her soon-to-be husband. He is wearing a golden sherwani with a shawl that has silver embroidery on the sleeves and bottom and top. The shawl on the other hand is dark green. This is the traditional outfit for grooms from Dyrk but the color and embroidery style is from Avilen. His hair has been set up in a short ponytail looking very sexy. She realized that it did not actually hit her that she would marry him until now. She knew but her heart is slower than her brain. Fourtunalty she is very disciplined since serving in the army so it did not show. But once she arrived beside him, instead of looking at him she looked at the priest instead. Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with looking at the priest so one took notice of it. Not even Lucius who is discreetly looking at her. His heart pounds loudly in his chest.

Lucius: Crap, why is she so bewitching? This, why is the first time I feel a woman being beautiful is someone I have not seen how their face looks like? No... I can't be... do I have a crush on her!?

The priest is reading out the vows until finally, he says: " Do you take this bride to be bound with you for an eternity?" Hearing this snaps Lucuis out f his thought and answers: " Yes I do."

Priest: " Do you take this groom to be bound with you for an eternity?"

Maryden: " Yes I do."

Priest: " Now are you both willing to make a blood oath?" Hearing this the hall becomes very quiet. After all, this is something you do to someone you trust. After taking this oath you can't have children with someone else in the future and if you are disloyal to your partner you get cursed. While this oath is something one is allowed to decline, if they say no in this situation it may be seen as a bad omen that the two countries will soon once again be at war with each other. That is what everyone is thinking. With some want them to say yes because they don't want another war. Others want the opposite, thinking that the war ended prematurely. Others just like watching the show. The only different thoughts come from Lucius' comrades, they want him to refuse so that he can marry someone he loves in the future. After all, if you did not make this oath you are allowed to divorce without consequences at any time. Their general is still young only 28. It is enough for one of them to refuse to make this promise invalid.

Maryde: What should I do, I forgot about this. If I don't choose the same answer as Lucius will we be able to get along in the future? think, think.

Lucius: Ahrr, my gut feeling is telling me to say yes but I don't want to ruin my relationship with her. If it is settled then I am really a fool who falls in love at first sight. Well many more accurate so say the first conversation.

That is when Maryden finally gets some courage there is no one who will love her in the future anyway so she says: " I am willing." Hearing this everyone gasps, no one expected this. Who in their right mind would do this with an arranged marriage and even with a past enemy? Everyone is shocked even the queen. After hearing this Lucius's men subconsciously thinks a little better of her. If she can lay aside her hatred for the greater good she should not be such a bad person after all. Lucius on the other hand is so happy that his ears turn red. But because of his darker skin tone and the light, it is practically invisible. His expretion on the other hand did not change at all. He clears his throat and says: " I do the same." This answer makes the audience even more shocked but they regain their composure sooner this time. Hearing them agree the priest takes out a magic gauntlet with green emeralds and runestones engraved on it and two tiny sharp knives. He gives them a knife each at holds the gauntlet between them. he chants a spell and once he is done he tells them to use the knife to cut their pinky and drop their blood into the gauntlet. They do this and once their blood gets mixed together the gauntlet starts to radiate mist and once it is gone two tiny blood-red gemstones. This is the proof of their oath as their blood has mixed and solidified into these gemstones. The priest now chants another spell and suddenly the gemstones start to levitate and head directly to the location of both their hearts. Then the gemstone painlessly enters their body and the gemstone is now a part of their hearts.

Priest:" Now the oath is complete and you will soon notice that both of you now have a tattoo on your chest that is a pair unik to you two. Now you may kiss your future.

Hearing this Lucius gently grabs her cheek to pull her closer into a kiss. The kiss is soft and gentle and to Lucius it is both frustrating and addictive, he wants more, a lot more. But now is not the time he needs to wait and although he can do it later tonight it won't be as satisfying as he wants it to be. He wants her heart more than her body. But he has time and she can't run away even more now as they are now bound together for eternity. Unless she removes a piece of her heart she can't be with someone else forever. She took the first step so she can't regret it later, and even if she does she is trapped with the decision she made. 

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