chapter 10 | happier than ever

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«You don't have the time, you leave them all behind. You tell yourself it's fine, you're just in love.»


With a lot of skill, she managed to balance all the things in one hand, carefully enough so the bouquet of flowers wouldn't slip from her hold. Her phone had announced a few new messages as soon as she got out of the car, the taxi driver asked her if she needed some help, but after apologising for leaving some leaves in his car, Sloane shook her head and could make it out of the vehicle with no complications. She was then left standing alone and glancing at her phone.

It was Charles. She smiled instantly. There were a couple of pictures attached to his text.

Charles: They have your favourite snacks today, I'll make sure to steal some for you

And a winking smiley face. She scoffed, remembering how she'd jokingly mentioned they didn't have her preferred snacks in the Ferrari hospitality anymore at the past race. Charles had made sure to get her the snacks when they arrived back home, and now magically they were back in the catering area. Still smiling, she shook her head and decided she'd reply later when her hands weren't so occupied and she wasn't late.

As she stepped into the building, a barely audible groan of grief escaped her lips when she remembered the elevator in Aurora's place rarely worked. It was up to the stairs. A workout was a workout after all.

The bouquet of flowers was so big it obstructed half of her face, but when her friend opened the door of the flat after two knocks, she could make out a glimpse of Sloane grinning from ear to ear like a kid coming out of a candy shop. She radiated elation from her body with no such thing as effort.

"I know you like plants better than flowers but look how beautiful they are." Despite the bouquet and the bag hanging from her wrist, she managed to wrap an arm around Aurora, pulling her closer for a rather uncomfortable hug.

This one couldn't hide the surprise to see her there, but she accepted the hug with no hesitation nevertheless. They squeezed each other tight and smiled the same way two people who hadn't been together in a while would. Perhaps that'd be an exaggeration for Sloane, but Aurora had felt the absence. As the surprise washed away and they pulled apart, Aurora came to the conclusion that what she had in front of her was a very Sloane thing.

"That's a huge bouquet," Her friend mentioned amused. Her eyes scanned each one of the arranged flowers. A mixture of delight and confusion took over her expression.

Sloane would always be a go big or go home girl. There was no other option. "The guy at the florist shop offered me so many, and he added marigolds. Look." With a nod, she pointed at the few orangy-yellow marigolds placed carefully amongst the other flowers. "He didn't have Jasmine but there were Plumerias. They smell so good too. I couldn't resist."

The bouquet was very colourful, Aurora leaned to smell one of the flowers. She never took Sloane as someone who got easily impressed by flowers, but over the years she'd learned how much the girl enjoyed even the simple sight of them.

"Sorry for being late." She apologised with a sheepish smile, stepping inside the flat as soon as Aurora opened enough space for her and the bouquet to slip in.

After closing the door behind her, the Italian grabbed the flowers to relieve some load and hooked an arm with hers, smiling brightly. "That's alright. Come, my parents are on video-call and they'd love to see you." A new rush of happiness ran through her with the mention of the couple.

Sloane loved Aurora's parents.

When she approached the computer, the whole screen showed them at their house back in Bari. She waved enthusiastically, taking a seat where Aurora had been before. Their reaction when she came into view on the other side was to grin, their expressions softened and lit up at the same time.

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