Part one

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Laurine sat at her kitchen table, teacup in hand while readding the newspaper. She smiled at hearing the hinges of her front gate sound. She was always happy at the sound; a visitor was coming, and a visit was always welcomed.

She learns that a small-town village was always accompanied by food, gossip and laughs, and she needed all those. Or better, the promised arrival of someone loved.

But when she didn't her the door open or her name been called, she automatically look up from the paper, grew worried when the knock came followed by an, "hello, Mrs. Kovinsky?".

No one call her by her last name; the only ones were those who didn't knew her, those bringing bad news, like and FBI agent, an insurance agent, and a morgue examiner perhaps.

She stood, wobbling her way to the door, by instinct she held her belly at sawing the man standing there looking back at her. That man fixed his glasses and say without any consideration, "I'm sorry to meet you under these circumstances", he didn't prepare her, he tried to explain and say sorry, but the damage was done. At seeing her seating in her porch stairs poring her eyes out neighbors came, others ran hearing the news. A set of hand helds into her, she was suddenly surrounded by a warm blanket, but the sadness was there, unavoidable once again.

"Calmati ragazza mia, andrà tutto bene", the voice repeated, "everything will be ok my child."

"Mio Papa Nana, he is death". Nana held int Laurine, her hart also full of sorrow. It was a great loss, for all.

That day was behind the two, but still very present. The limo came to a stop in front of the hotel, the door man held the door open and offered a hand for the two. A smile came to Laurine's face at seeing the picture of Papa at the front door. Surrounded by an elegant arrange of lilies and white roses. The picture was from several years ago, he looked stern and serious, she smiles knowing well that it was as he call it, "business face", but she knew, she knew how loving, warm, and silly the man was.

"Mrs. O'Connor", a man came to her offering his hand, but Laurine been Laurine engulfed the man in a hug, as always, he melted.

"Andrew is Mrs. Kovinsky now", she responded to the hug. The two health an arm length looking at each other, "it's been so long", since the first time knowing the man, she knew he was a good person, her angel and savior in certain moment. When the two meet for the first time Andrew was a regular employe at front desk, now was the manager as the tag on his suit read, "call me Laurine, we have long known each other, we are a pinch to be family".

"You are right, but look at you", Andrew took a good look, "you look beautiful, radiant".

"Hear this fool nana", Andrew and nana shared a hug, "I look like a whale". Say Laurine taking Andrew's arm and walking to the elevator.

"No sese, a woman is always beautiful, even more while carrying a life. I will send you sweets and anything you could possibly carved, just ask, no matter the time of the day or night. Now come, you look exhausted", the trio went up, Andrew opened the door and held it for the ladies to come in. Laurine exhale and look at him.

"This is too much", she knew was excessive, they could not pay such luxury, "a regular room will do Andrew."

The man ignored her, "you are not a regular woman my darling, everything has been arranged. And besides, the olm man will pull my feet at night if I don't treat you as you should".

Andrew left, Laurine took her shoes off and made herself comfortable on one of the couches. She looked at the city. The floor to ceiling windows allowed her to see beyond the park. It was still early but as always, the city buzzed with activity. She remembers the last time she was here, her last day, her last night. It wasn't a blur; it was still fresh in her memory and her flesh.

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