~Go back to the shadows from wence you came~

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It's dark, the stars shined in the skies and the village Gloreth helped to build shined with the lights, faint voices could be heard from afar, laughing talking, But everyone were talking about the same news, the biggest and wonderful news that could happen. Gloreth's ceremony to become a knight.
A branch snapping and footsteps could be heard on the mountain, but the people didn't realize that because of the preparation for the ceremony. Then, out of the bushes a tall blond haired woman walked out of it and shook her head to get the leaves out of her hair.

The woman looks nothing more than 17, but Unlike the other women in the village she was wearing a golden armor.
The woman looked around to make sure no one was following her before she proceeded with her way towards an old well.

The well is very old, filled with plants that grew on it over the years and the building itself seems unsafe, the grass around it still wet because of the rain from yesterday, but it's home. That's where Gloreth met her best friend for the first time, that where the best time of her life began, where she first fell in love and.....where she betrayed her friend and her only love.
That's the place...
For so many years Gloreth regretted turning her back to Nimona when she needed her but there is no point to search for her and apologize to her, Gloreth has no clue where the pink shapeshifter is, and she has responsibilities now. The whole village is counting on her to protect them and to lead them to better life, she made her choice. She chose her duties over her friend, she is doing just like she always dreamed to, to protect her village and yet a part of her...a part of her told her she made a mistake, that she should have chosen Nimona. Even now the last words she told Nimona before she Nimona left still huanted her, mostly in her dreams.

"I miss you..."

Was all she could think about before she grabbed the apple she had in her pocket and placed it on the well, a red apple just like the one that Nimona helped her to get off from a tree by turning herself into a bird...
Gloreth stared at the well for few more minutes, memories from her past flashed through her mind, the time when she and Nimona slept under a tree while it was raining, when they jumped on rocks in the lake. What times...
She decided after those few minutes that it was enough, she needs to go back or else her people will wonder where she disappeared to, just as she turned herself and was about to take her first step she slipped from the wet grass backwards to the well and fell all the way down to the bottom, luckily the well wasn't so deep or else she would have gotten badly hurt. But her butt still hurt, so she stood up and groaned from the pain, rubbing her butt to ease the pain and looked up. To her surprise so saw light from the edge of the well, like it was morning, but it couldn't be it's night right now.
Gloreth looked around to find a way to get out of the well, she put both of her hands to the side and the same with her legs and started pulling herself out of the well. Slowly and surely, so she won't fall down again.
When she finally reach to the edge she was blinded by the sudden light, she blinked few times and her eyes widened. It was day light, but how could it be?
Surely she wasn't in the well for few hours, that what she thought at least. Did she miss the ceremony? But to her surprise when she got out of the well and stood there on the....dry grass she didn't miss the ceremony. Because there is no village to begin with, instead of the village there is a huge city with huge walls around it, tall buildings, flying...metal box and...a huge statue of herself?!
Gloreth thought she might pass out, for how long has she been in the well? Where is she?

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