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A week has passed since the blonde woman arrived to what seems like the future. The town she helped to build has grown to a huge city, flying boxes flew around and...a huge statue of her. Since when did that happen?
Gloreth has lots of questions and yet no one to answer them, she didn't know what else to do beside making herself a small camp. For a week she ate fruits she find on trees or drank water from a nearby river. For a week she was getting used to the new noises, that mostly came from the city, and after she got used to it she decided to explore it.

After she put out the fire she gathered some fruits so she could eat on her way to the city. When she looked around to see if she got everything she wanted a question suddenly popped in her mind.

Is Nimona still alive?

When this question appeared in her mind she decided that going into the city would be the best decision to find Nimona, or at least know what happened to her after the incident.

Lights, laughs, shouts, it was so loud but nothing Gloreth couldn't handle. She managed to find a cloak  on her way to the city so she could bend in and not get unnecessary attention. With the cloak on she looked like any other knight that walked around and patrolled the city, except her armor was much lighter than the other knight's. As she was walking thought the main road she noticed some posts, on the post was an invitation for the citizens.

Tuesday 8:00

Come join us to celebrate the 1000 year ever since Gloreth defeated the horrible monster, on Thursday 18:30. Don't be late!

What caught Gloreth's attention wasn't that there is a party. But the amound of years that passed. 1000 years? She was gone...for 1000 years?
How is that even possible? Only yesterday she was helping the citizens to prepare for her ceremony, how come she slipped into the well and ended up in the future, 1000 years later?!

Her eyes widened and she felt her chest tightening, her heart beat fast, what is this feeling? She couldn't breath, she couldn't think. She has been gone for 1000 years...

She started running as fast as she can, she didn't know where she is going but she just wants to run away, she wants to wake up and to find out it's all a dream. That she was just late for her ceremony and her parents scolding her for being late. But no matter how much she ran, how much she slapped herself on the way she didn't wake up.
She didn't even care if people were staring at her she just wants to get out.
When she got tired she turned to an empty alley and fell to the ground, she was breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath. She was sweating a lot, while she tried to process what she just saw, what was happening.

A metal thing caught her attention, a noise of a metal falling to the ground, then out of the shadows a metal bottle rolled over and hit Gloreth's knee. Gloreth slowly lowered her hand and grabbed that bottle, she looked at it and she noticed small hints of paint on it.
Pink paint.

She slowly raised her head to the side, to find a painted wall. But not just a painted wall,   sharks, some kind of animals, all kinds of stuff were on the wall, but a huge word caught her eyes. A name, a name she never thought she would hear or see again.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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