New Story!! Tattoo Artist Loki AU

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((A/n - holy shit guys it's been nearly 3 years since I've even thought about this story! It's crazy to me that thousands of y'all have read my work and I have decided to write another short Loki story for y'all! Thank you all so much for your support and I hope you enjoy this story as well!))


The traffic was horrible. What the hell is wrong with me? If I had even begun to use my brain before making plans for today I would've left yesterday rather than the morning of.
New York traffic was no joke, and at rush hour no less. I scanned the storefronts for as far along the road as I could see from my motionless state of road in which I trapped myself and my car in for the unforeseen future; the tattoo parlor was nowhere in sight. My appointment with Loki was at 11am, exactly 45 minutes until now. Loki and I had been emailing back and forth for about 2 months now about this appointment. I had scoured the internet for the perfect tattoo artist for this project for ages until I randomly came across Loki's Instagram. His style was exactly what I envisioned for this tattoo; graphic, illustrative, whimsical, but with the slightest bit of dark, evil undertones. I wrote him a detailed paragraph describing what I wanted, and today is finally the day that I get to see the finished work before permanently needling it into my skin.

"Dammit!" I groaned, slamming the palm of my hand against the steering wheel. I hated being late, and this was unrelenting. As if called upon, the line of cars before me slowly inched forward, then released into a steady speed. I took my foot off of the brake and drove forward, desperate to reach my destination before being deemed tardy.
Not before too long I found myself coming up next to a tall, ornate building with many, many plants outside of the doors and windows. Above the door was a hanging sign, on it, written in black and green cursive text, read 'Asgard. Piercings and Body Art'.
I parked my car in the parking garage nearby, and nearly skipped across the street and into the parlor. Once I was inside, I was greeted by the sound of The Cure coming from a large Bluetooth speaker behind the front desk. The parlor was decently crowded, with 3 or 4 people waiting in chairs by the door for an artist, and 3 others already getting tattoos or piercings scattered across the building with their respective artist busily working.

'I wonder which one of these artists is Loki.' I thought to myself. Loki's Instagram contained no pictures of himself, only his art, so I had no idea who I was looking for. Before I could become too invested in searching out the mysterious Loki, I was tapped on the nose with the butt of a drawing pencil, knocking me back to reality.
"Hello, can I help you with something?" Said the owner of the invasive drawing pencil. I looked past the pencil and stared into the piercing blue eyes of a man sitting behind the counter. He had long black hair that was tucked beneath a black beanie that simply said "Bitch" on it. His eyes were glaring from behind a pair of silver wire-rimmed glasses. I stared.

"Hello?" He repeated, his pink lips moved slower as he repeated himself, which caused me to acknowledge his silver snakebite piercings.
"Hi! Uh - I'm looking for Loki, I have an appointment for 11am." I stammered. This man was intimidating for some reason. He wore all black, which caused his pale skin to appear almost luminescent, with dark voids of color and lines peaking from his shirt in sprawls of tattoo ink weaving around his neck and arms. "Perfect, I am Loki, that means you must be Y/N! It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm honored that you would drive all the way from Maryland for my work!" He responded, bright teeth exposed as he smiled to me, extending a pale hand to me.

I grasped his hand and shook it politely, holy shit his skin was freezing. "Of course! I'm very excited to see what you've come up with for me." He nodded in excited acknowledgment, "Yes yes I have my tablet in my office, come with me!" He said as he motioned for me to follow him towards the back of the room. We fell into step as he rambled excitedly about my design. I found it hard to focus on his words, my god was he attractive. I had no idea what I was expecting but he exceeded it, and now I will be spread out on a table for him, exposed to his mercy as he worked on my flesh, I shivered.

Loki's office was comfortably decorated, colorful landscape paintings covered every inch of the walls, a record player sat in one corner, and a desk in the other corner. In the center of the room was a black, leather tattoo chair, I imagined this is where he will be working on me in a short time.
"So, what do you think?" Loki questioned, pushing a drawing tablet into my hands. The drawing was gorgeous, and everything I could've wanted (I won't go into detail of a specific design so imagine a tattoo that you'd want!) I was stunned.
"Loki, this is amazing! You nailed it!" I half responded, half shouted. I was practically bouncing off the walls. "I'm glad you like it! So where were you looking to get this piece?" Loki said, taking his tablet back.
"On my sternum, right beneath my chest." I answered, motioning my hands beneath my chest, spanning down to mid-stomach. I felt his gaze on my chest as I motioned, I met his line of sight and smiled.
"Sounds great! Do you have any experience with tattoos in tender places like that?" Loki said, his eyes not leaving my chest.

I was heavily tatted, my arms and legs were both completely covered with ink, as well as my back and sides. Aside from that, I had nipple piercings, which made me pretty confident in my pain tolerance.
"I think I'll be fine!" I said honestly, flexing my arm tats to Loki jokingly. He laughed and nodded in approval, "Alright then! Make yourself comfortable on the chair and I'll go print off the stencil and grab you some pasties." He said as he walked out of the office. I glanced around his desk out of curiously, he had many, many sketchbooks and spare sheets of paper scattered across the surface. Before I could snoop through his sketches, he re-entered the room, holding the stencils and pasties.
"For the location of this tattoo, I think it would be best for you to take your shirt off completely so it doesn't get in the way at all, but we can do all of that after we agree on a stencil placement, alright?" WHe explained to me, handing me the stencil for approval, I nodded and lifted the hem of my shirt up to the bottom of my chest, exposing my skin to the frigid air. I tried to ignore the goosebumps that erupted beneath my skin as Loki wiped a cleansing rag across the area. My breath hitched as he held the stencil up and pressed it firmly into my body.
"Alright, I'll just hold this here for a few minutes to make sure it transfers over ok." Loki explained, pressing his gloved palm flat against the stencil. I nodded in response and held back shivers. My mind was in a frenzy by now, Loki's touch was intoxicating, and feeling his eyes on my body made me feel warm in certain places. After a few minutes, Loki peeled the thin film off of the stencil, leaving solid blue lines of the tattoo on my sternum, it looked perfect.
"Looks great! Now if it's ok with you, you can just lift your arms up and I'll make sure your shirt comes off cleanly and doesn't mess with any of the stencil." (A/n this would never happen irl it's just for the sake of story telling) I blushed, but nodded and raised my arms shakily above my head, Loki slowly lifted the fabric past my arms, leaving my upper body exposed to him. I suddenly wished I had decided to give myself time to put a bra on this morning in my rush to get on the road. Loki audibly swallowed and politely folded my shirt before placing it on his desk. I instinctively covered my chest with my arms, looking away from Loki as my face burned bright red. The silence was deafening.

Loki broke the silence by clearing his throat.
" I like your piercings, they look nice on you." He said, maybe a bit too fast. His eyes were glued onto the silver pieces of jewelry, bottom lip sucked gently between his teeth. I laughed awkwardly, looking down at the floor, "Thanks, I got them when I was 19, I thought they'd make me look badass or something." I joked, trying to ignore the warm pool settling in my lower abdomen. He laughed at that, "You look very badass, Y/n." He looked into my eyes and smiled honestly. I blushed even more. "Did they hurt? I've been considering getting ones similar to these." He asked genuinely, eyeing my piercings intently.

"They hurt a little at first, but you get used to it eventually and then they're just a confidence boost." I responded. "Interesting-" Loki started, before looking back up to me with a small smirk, "-is it true that they make it easier to get horny?" I swallowed, unsure of how to respond. It was a pretty true statement, but it was embarrassing to answer. I laughed nervously.
"Do you mind if I get a closer look?" Loki asked, his eyes had grown dark and scheming. He was plotting something. I crossed my legs tightly, but nodded regardless. His gloved hand reached towards my stiff nipple and grabbed both sides of the piercing, and tugged on it. I gasped and instinctively grabbed his forearm out of shock. He laughed under his breath and looked up at me, smiling evilly. I watched as his pink tongue emerged from his mouth and traced a small circle around his lips, his eyes boring hungrily into mine. He tugged again, gaining another stifled moan from my mouth. He rolled his office chair closer to me, so that he was positioned between my legs as they sat open on the tattoo chair. He worked my nipple between his fingers, and stared obsessively into my eyes, savoring every reaction my face made. Once he had enough of that, his body lowered to where he was eye level with my chest.

His eyes never leaving mine, he leaned in, and enveloped one nipple between his lips, sucking lightly on the sensitive nub. He retracted before circling his tongue around it.
"Oh god.." I whispered, I hadn't noticed his tongue piercing til now, but I felt it, and it felt amazing. I reached up and gripped the back of his hair and tangled my fingers in his soft locks. As I pushed him further into my chest, Loki let out a soft groan. Gods.
"Mmf... you like that?" He mumbled against my chest. I moaned in approval, his tongue felt heavenly on my body. I was so caught up in his mouth that I didn't notice his hand slipping beneath the fabric of my leggings, and cupping my pussy, thumb pressed firmly against my clit, causing me to buck against his body.

"Fuck.. Loki." I gasped. His soft lips left my chest and instead met mine. His kiss was gentle but demanding. Just as I was getting comfortable with his kiss, he slipped a finger inside of me without warning.
His mouth engulfed my moan, and took it as an opportunity to invade my mouth with his tongue, fighting with mine for dominance, I tasted the cool metal of his piercing.
His fingers inside of me pumped in and out at a slow, teasing pace. Loki waited til my breath had calmed down to pick up his pace, causing me to moan erratically and constantly into his warm mouth, with his other hand, he tweaked my other nipple between his fingers, causing all kinds of pleasure to erupt throughout my body. It was overwhelming. Tears rimmed my eyes, and Loki removed his mouth from mine and placed it in the crook of my neck, sucking desperately on the tender flesh, occasionally sinking his teeth into me.
It didn't take long for all of the stimulation to catch up with me, and my vision blanked as I tightened around Loki's slender fingers. As I finished, he sank his teeth into my shoulder one last time, sure to leave a mark.

Loki pulled away from me and smiled at my red cheeks and parted lips. "I think I may invest in some nipple piercings some day. But anyways we should probably get to work on your tattoo." He joked, rubbing his fingers on my shoulder over the bite mark he left. I laughed with him, my vision still a little blurry.

"Yeah, you probably should. But I don't mind coming back tomorrow for another session." I responded, winking at him. We laughed together, eventually starting on the actual tattoo.

The end


((Hey guys! I hope this was much better than the other story I wrote like 3 years ago! I was hoping to get back into writing this year, so depending on how this goes over with y'all I might write more short stories!))

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