Your World Will Burn

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  The beauty of a woman often makes men undermine the intellect of one. The avengers under estimated 'villians' often just as men did to women and just alike, they usaully are proven wrong.
      "I have no intent in hurting any of you." Iris insisted. Her hands were cuffed harshly behind her back with power dampners that made her uncomfortbaly weak and vunerable. "You have destroyed worlds. Killed trillions." Thor protested. "HOW CAN YOU SIT HERE SO SMUG!?"
         "I sleep well at night. Regret doesn't suit me." Iris reasoned. Her face was blank but a grin threatened to cross her lips at his anger and hostility. Galaxies, she has destroyed and not a single ounce of sympathy or guilt comes to mind when she dreams sweet dreams of the worlds she has roamed. "Why are you on earth?" Tony questioned.
    "Is that really your question?" Iris frowned. "I am here because you think I am a threat to your kind?" She shifted awkardly under the weight of the steel chains. They had done their research. The steel chains weren't only their to hold Iris down; they were to stop her completley. Its like Kara Zor-El with Krypotnite. Dehumanizing and cruel. But Iris wasn't one for the 'dramatics'. Screaming and hollering and all. "I am just trying to live peacefully. That is it."
         "The girl they brung in. Is she related to you?" Steve asked, referring back to a video of the group walking into the compound. "No." Iris answered. "I don't know who she is."
          "She's your daughter. Isn't she?" Wanda pinpointed. It was obvious. The way Olivia clung on to Iris as they were pulled away from eachother. It was like mother and daughter being forced to say goodbye to one another. "She can't be outside of earths atmosphere. That's why you're on earth."
          "Your not as dumb as I thought you'd be, witchy." Iris articulated. "Where is she."
         "We are running a few tests." Tony said, turning to his clipboard. Tests meant labs, labs meant experiments. Or prehaps it meant harmless needles? But nevertheless, Iris didn't approve either way. "WHAT!?" Iris stood in her cell, flinching as the chains tightened around her body, burning the revealed parts of her skin that her clothing could not cover. "BRING ME MY DAUGHTER!" She demanded, inching closer to the glass. The rage building in her bones made temperatures rise and fear erode.
         "STAND DOWN NOW!" Soldiers ordered, holding up their guns, ready to fire. "Wait!" Loki shoved through them, pressing his back against Iris's holding cell. "Put your guns down!" He pleaded. "HOW DID YOU GET OUT OF YOUR CELL?!"
            "THAT DOESN'T MATTER RIGHT NOW!" Loki shushed his brother. "Iris! Iris, darling.! Olivia is okay! I swear to you!" He assured the woman. "It's just harmless scans from a machine.! Nothing that can hurt her.. Shes safe.!" He said. "i told you I'd protect her. Didn't I.?" Iris nodded. "I wouldn't dare lie to you. You know that."
     She settled down, readjusting her self on the floor. "Stand down." Tony ordered. The soldiers lowered the guns slighlty but were prepared if Iris did decide to make any alarming movements. "I need to see her." She said.
      "They will not allow it my love." Loki accused. "It's just not possible."
       "She is my daughter." Iris argued. "Do I not have a right to my own flesh and blood."
       "No, you do not." Thor frowned upon her as if he had finally won. He would've been happier if he got to kill you himself. After all he wanted to avenge his mother and father. He did not have the right to say goodbye, and she took that from him. "You've killed people by the masses. You're too dangerous to be let out." Tony articulated.
"I have not threatened one life on this god forsaken planet. Sure, I've killed a few people-"
       "A FEW?!" Kara had just arrived from national city with her sister and fiancé, Alex and Lena. "You've destroyed galaxies! Taken away planets! Killed innocent men, women and children!" She pointed. "You slaughtered my people.! And let them drown in their own blood!"
"And you! You dare to stand beside her and act as if this is all okay?!"
"She has her reasons." Loki insisted.
"What was the reason for it.? WHY WOULD SHE KILL ME FAMILY?!"
Iris and Loki looked between each other, exchanging harsh glances before he went to speak up saying, "Your people...You parents they-..." he began. Trying to find the right words was hard. Killing people by the million wasn't exactly easy to explain.
"All of them have made my life a living hell. It was only right to do the same."
"My people have done nothing to harm you."
"Really Thor. That's what you think?" Iris raised a brow. "Me and my people have gone through nothing but hell because of you." She explained. "These chains, asguardians tormented me with ones similar. Chained my mother and father down and beheaded them right in front of me." She spoke of it as if it wasn't traumatic. But by the way the tears welled In her eyes and her voice slightly cracked between each sentence , Loki could tell she was only bound to break. "But they weren't finished there. They brung all types of people from all over the universe, including the ruthless kryptonians." She explained. "Your father, he took my brothers, young boys and any men they could find to join his army.." she said, referring Kara. "The women, young sisters-..." she held her head down, trying hold back the sorrows that threatened to leave her.. "Used as nothing more than a resource for pleasure." She gulped down. "So you say I have had no valid reason to slaughter and destroy galaxies, but I have fought for what my people have lost! And I gave them everything that you took!"
"Wanda?" Clint looked to the witch who was completely out of it. That's when everyone had noticed that Iris and Wanda hadn't taken their eyes off of each other. "What did you do."
        "What I had too." She snarked.
        Wanda's stomach twisted and turned. She became nauseous giving everything that the vision had showed her. Gore and blood. Dead bodies piled up everywhere. She could smell the cruel smell Iris smelt in her time on her planet. She soon ran to a trash can, vomiting. For an avenger, she sure had a weak stomach.
       "We're gonna need a clean up crew down here." Tony called down.
       "How could someone be capable of doing all that.?" Wanda gagged. "I can't get it out of my head.!"
       "Not exactly something you can shake out of your mind." Iris insisted. "Are some of them still alive at least.?" Wanda asked.
       "The ones that had the will to live, yes. But it's not exactly something that's possible when you've been through so much."
       "But've been through it all. How are you still sane? So calm but all of this?"
       "Because I tore apart the worlds that needed tearing. I got rid of the people that had done me and my people harm all while making them leave their precious children behind." Her smile finally lifted as she glanced up at the ceiling. "I delivered their heads to my gods and that is accomplishment. I have nothing else I need do.."
       "There's an If.?" Wanda assumed.
        "Right again witchy." She grinned, chuckling under her breath ever so slightly. "Loki and my daughter are to be unharmed. That is all I request. If I find out they have been harmed, I will split your planet in 2 and slaughter everyone on it."
        "Is that a threat?" Nick stepped up, holding his hand on his gun that was tucked away.
       "Everyone knows, I don't do threats. This is your warning Director Fury. I don't want to have to make you watch your world burn."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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