33. Momma

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Ashlyn never thought she would actually visit her mother any time soon, if ever again, but she wound up at her mother's trailer door once more. It didn't take much convincing from Shannon to make it happen. Ashlyn hissed at the thought of how easily she was talked into coming here.

She was so stubborn it made Justin's skin crawl. He could get through to her but not after hours of begging and pleading. All it took was one sentence from Shannon, and she was at her mother's doorstep not even nine hours later.

She had barely known Shannon for a month now, and she was able to talk her into visiting her drug addict mother who hadn't bothered to call her in months. It was probably because she had never really had a mother figure in life until now.

Ashlyn's fist pounded angrily on the shitty screen door of the trailer, waiting on signs of life inside.

Words couldn't describe how pissed she was with her mother at this moment. There were so many things that were being held captive by her mother and it made her itch with anger that her own flesh could do something like this to her.

The door was pulled open swiftly to reveal a random man. He was very tall, weird looking, and reeked of smoke and alcohol.

Ashlyn didn't say a word as she eyed the black haired man up and down for a second. The man eyed her just the same, showing no effort to peel his eyes away from her chest.

"Move out of my damn way, where the fuck is my mom?" Ashlyn hissed while shoving the gross man out of the way. The man didn't fight back.

There she spotted her mother, a sleeping mess on the couch. She tried to take a step forward, but a mouse scampered across her feet, making her gasp and realize how filthy this place was. Again.

The first time wasn't bad, but this was like something out of a horror movie. Trash was piled ceiling high, bugs were everywhere right along with mice, who were currently eating pieces of a couch cushion.

The stomach churning smell alone made Ashlyn want to kill herself right there.

Was it rude to kill yourself in front of your mom?

But she had come here for a reason. To get answers. And that's what she planned to do.

"Disgustoso," she hissed as she watched a roach crawl up the wall.


She poked her mom's forehead harshly in an attempt to wake her up. No response. She poked it again just as hard. No response. Ashlyn's mouth fell agape as she tapped her mother repeatedly on the shoulder. Her mother finally groaned and moved a bit.

Ashlyn visibly relaxed quickly before getting all of her anger right back.

"Mother, get up!" Ashlyn hissed, ripping the small thin stained blanket up from her body. Addie sat up quickly, rubbing her eyes. "What's going on?" she spoke hoarsely."Why are you here honey?" She cleared her throat. Ashlyn wanted to tell her to get some cough medicine.

Ashlyn glared at her mother with her hands on her hips from across the room. She had so much to say right now, so many directions she could go with this conversation. Her mind was racing one hundred miles a second with everything she was feeling and wanted to say.

This was probably the second time ever in life Ashlyn had ever been at a loss for words, or been this silent for that matter.

"How long were you gonna keep it a secret?" Ashlyn spoke quietly. Yelling wouldn't solve anything, or get her answers. Yelling could be done later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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