to be one lucky bride

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so basically i was reading the really good masquerade au (read that one b4 this pls its so good) and then i had. a sudden thought. an idea that zapped into my brain instantly.

"This Day Aria" from mlp (YES i used to be a brony imSORRY) would work wonders with ^^^their demon keyboard creature thing impersonating 3 and well, 10k words (and literally the entire song somehow put in there) later here we are.

also despite this absolutely being inspired by them this is not part of their au !!!!

Mario was flopped over on Meggy's couch as she chatted away with Luigi, Saiko and Tari. He idly watched the TV, having just eaten all of the snacks Meggy had purposefully gotten him just for this visit over. He very quickly found himself bored, even with the baby sensory video on Meggy's TV (also put on specifically for him). He let out an annoyed groan, lifting himself up just to flop over in a new position, glaring at the TV. Just as he was about to start being annoying on purpose to get he and Luigi to leave faster, there was a knocking at the door.

Everyone looked up, Meggy looking rather confused as she stood up, going to the door. Mario watched her, poised to get up and shove her out of the way to answer the door himself. Luigi gave him a pointed stare, settling him in place, but ready to pounce at any moment. Meggy opened the door to see Toad standing there, glaring up at her as he shoved a paper in her face. She blinked blankly at him for a moment, but took the paper. Toad grumbled to himself, leaving without a word.

She stood there, practically frozen in incredulity before Mario finally pounced, getting up and shoving her out of the way as he tried reading the paper. He squinted at it, bringing it closer and twisting it around before growling in annoyance.

"Mario forgot how to read! Luigi!" He cried, rushing over to his brother and handing him the paper. Meggy let out a battle cry, tackling him as the pair began wrestling furiously on the floor. Luigi hummed discontentedly at the pair, before looking to Saiko and Tari, both looking curiously at the paper. He cleared his throat, looking down at the rather awful handwriting on the paper.

"You are invited to the wedding of SMG4 and SMG3, happening in one week from when you get this. We'll know when you guys show up. Bring your own dress. Don't let it be better than ours, though." Tari gasped, eyes sparkling as Luigi mentioned the wedding. Mario and Meggy paused, Meggy's fist raised over him and about to swing down as they looked up at Luigi.

"Married? It's only been three months!" Mario protested, looking rather annoyed as he and Meggy went back to fighting for a few seconds. Saiko agreed passively, while Tari and Luigi simply shrugged at the notion. Mario and Meggy paused once more, Meggy yanking on Mario's hair while Mario was chomping on Meggy's leg. He let it go and looked back up with a grumpy expression. "Why didn't they come tell us themselves?"

"Good point, Red. Kinda messed up," Meggy grumbled out, letting go of Mario's hair as both of them stood up, sitting at the table as they all looked down at the invitation.

"I'm sure they're simply busy with planning and all that," Luigi dismissed, picking up the paper and looking at the weird way the date was written. "The weird part is the date. What does it mean, 'a week from when we arrive'?"

"I'm guessing they're assuming we're gonna show up today," Saiko shrugged, standing up and stretching. Tari stood as well, nodding surely as she stood next to Saiko.

"Yeah, we should probably head over, I suppose, but I think it's a little odd," Meggy agreed with Mario, making him nod aggressively as he crossed his arms.

this day is going to be perfect - smg34Where stories live. Discover now