°•° A Small Surprise - Golden Rain °•°

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A/N This one shot is told from the POV of Miranda!! :D

"I'm really nervous," I said into the phone as my fingers tapped against the steering wheel.

"Just relax," Sav reassured me for the tenth time that day, a smile lacing her words. "He's going to be excited, I promise."

"I know, I know..." But I couldn't force myself to smile. I knew Rico would be excited about the news eventually. But I was afraid for all the emotions that would come before that. Even though I'd been slowly working with him to help him get through his commitment fears, they were still there. And I couldn't deny that having a child was one of the biggest commitments you could make.

"Miranda, I can hear your thoughts through your anxious silence," Sav added. A car honked behind me and I realized the light was green. Sorry, I thought as I pressed on the gas.

"I'm trying really hard not to be scared. I really am." I'd been praying about it and talking with Sav and it had helped. But still, knowing that when I got home in just a few minutes, I'd really be telling him made the anxiety try to swell back up.

"Mir, you know Rico better than anyone, even Kason. I know he can be a mess but if anyone can put him back together after his nervous breakdowns, it's you."

I swallowed and nodded, trying to take this to heart. "Right. I can help him through this. We can work through this together."

"That's what spouses are for," Sav agreed.

I nodded again even though she couldn't see me. She was right. Even if he did freak out at first, I could help him calm down and then he'd be excited. I could do this. Everything would be fine.

"Thanks for your help," I said genuinely, knowing I wouldn't have been able to stay this calm without my best friend.

"Of course. Let me know how it goes, okay?"

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you, too. Bye."

She hung up and I released a preparatory breath. Then, like I'd been doing all day, I sent up a quick prayer. "Thank you for giving me strength to go through this process and help us to lean on each other and you, Abba Father."

As the final words slipped from my lips, our apartment building came into view.

Ten minutes later, after I'd parked and gathered the few bags of groceries I'd stopped to grab on the way home, I was heading up the elevator. I watched the dial turn, signaling each floor I passed, until it landed on floor seven. A ding proceeded the doors slowly peeling open and the long stretch of hallway before me appeared.

You can do this, I told myself again. And I said this with each step I took down the hall.

I struggled to get the keys out of my purse with my hands filled with groceries so luckily the door opened before I dropped anything. Rico appeared on the other side, a wide smile on his face. "You're always so loud with the groceries."

My heart skipped a beat in my chest but I tried to ignore it and smile back. "Would you be so kind as to help me so maybe I'm not so much of a loud distraction?"

He chuckled and then kissed my cheek before grabbing a few from my hands. Once he'd turned and headed toward the kitchen, I let out a breath, my smile deflating.

Once I dropped off the groceries on the dining room table, I slid off my shoes and jacket by the door, hooking my keys on the holder below the mirror. Trying to sound casual, I called, "So I got some things at the store to make gözleme for dinner."

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