Chapter 7

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                         Sodo's pov

     "Love it is 6:00pm are you getting  hungry yet?" I asked her.

     "Yes, I am starving. " She replied.

     "Okay then let's go get some dinner." I said as I grabbed her hand and held it in mine all the way down to the dining hall. We entered and went over to the line for food. I grabbed our tray as we entered the line. The dinner tonight was spaghetti with meat sauce and garlic bread.  We both grabbed a plate and set it on the tray, I grabbed a water and she grabbed another unsweet tea like earlier.  I made a mental note of that.

     We walked over to our table. We were the first ones there, so we sat next to each other and began to eat. Eventually the others all joined us and ate their dinner as well. When everyone was done we all headed back to the common room. Wile we were all walking to the common room Swiss spoke up. "We should have a movie night! Steam you should join us."

      "Sure, I can wait I. The common room wile the rest of you change in to your off duty clothes." She said.

     "Or you could follow me, so you can see my room wile I change." I told her.

      "Okayyy" She said. So I took her hand in mine and led her to my room. I unlocked my door and let her enter first, with me entering behind her.

                     Steam's pov

     I stepped into sodo's room and noticed the bed pushed against the wall just like mine. But the bedspread had a big pentagram on it as well as two of the pillows. There were red led strips along the edges of the ceiling and a few band posters lined the walls as well as some pictures of all the ghouls. He stepped  in to his closet to change clothes.

     "What kind of movies do you like to watch?" He asked as he stepped out pulling on his t-shirt. I caught a glimpse of some tattoos on his chest and stomach. I also saw some on his arms, I just sat there staring at them. He waved his hand in front of my face. I quickly snapped out of it

      "What was the question?" I asked nervously. He chuckled and hugged me close.

     "What kind of movies do you like to watch?" He repeated as he held me close.

     "Umm... I like fantasy, action, comedy,mystery. Pretty much any thing but horror. They tend to give me nightmares." I replied.

     "Oh no I love horror movies so I'll just have to cuddle those bad dreams away." He said softly as he pulled the balaclava off of my mouth and kissed me deeply. He pulled away and said "Now let's go see what the others decided to watch."

     We walked out hand in hand, the others were already there waiting for us. "What took you guys so long?" Swiss asked.

     "Someone got distracted by the sight of my tats and stared at me for a minute." Sodo said teasing me.

     I blushed hard under my mask and lowered my gaze to the floor. He grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze, and led me over to the open  spot on one of the couches. He sat down and tugged me to sit down sideways on his lap.

     "What did you guys decide on watching tonight?" Sodo asked the group.

     "We decided on The Conjuring!" Swiss said happily.

      "Not all of us did!" Aether said aggressively.

      "Okay everyone but Aether and Rain." Swiss corrected himself.

      I turned to whisper in Sodo's ear "Is it okay if I take off my mask, since everyone else has theirs off?"

     "Yes, baby girl. This is a ghoul shared space. So it is safe for you to take it off." He said back.

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