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LATER THAT NIGHT, wearing a oversized AC/DC band tee and a pair of white and purple plaid pj shorts Tatum walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

" Ah! Oh my gosh! I'm never gonna get use to that!" Luke turned his head from the fridge to look at the blonde girl who's gorgeous blonde hair was in a messy bun.

" do y'all even eat?" Tatum walked behind Luke.

" nope," Luke shook his head, " just wanna see what you got?" He sniffed the fridge once more. Grabbing the jar of peanut butter from the side door, Tatum closed the fridge on Luke, his body going right through it,

" hey! You know how long it took me to open that thing!" Luke complained as he followed the short teenage girl. " don't care." Tatum shrugged. " I believe in not wasting power."

" good, cause that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about." Luke told her. " our power usage?" Tatum gave the ghost a weird look. " no, the power that you have." Luke corrected her.

The boy earned another weird look
from the Avery girl.

" your voice. Your piano playing, I bet you shred at the acoustic too, Dude you're like a human wrecking ball."

" is this a pep talk? Cause it's sucky." Tatum chuckled, lightly. " what I'm saying is that you have power to move people to knock them off their feet. There's no way your teachers wouldn't let you back into school if they heard you play like that." Luke explained.

" looks like they wouldn't. I've asked her, she said I have to wait until next semester." Tatum took a knob of peanut butter on the knife spreading onto the piece of bread in her hand.

" that was your first mistake, asking." Luke gave her a look. " hey, I guess old Tatum's coming back then." Tatum shrugged her shoulders.

" I bet old Tatum would be proud of you for asking, goody two shoes." Luke chuckled.

" if I could hit you I would." Tatum told the Patterson boy.

" good thing I'm air." He pushed himself onto the counter, " sunset curve booked gigs by doing, not asking, we played in front of clubs. We played in back of clubs, shit we even played book clubs!"

" book clubs?" Tatum questioned.

" they had some pretty gnarly snacks." Luke looked at her, which made her giggle.

" all I'm saying, don't ask for permission, swing that wrecking ball of talent at your teachers head, and smash those stupid rules right outta their brains." Luke swung his legs and hit the air.

" well, hate to break it to ya, but  this is a school bit a club, sorry pretty boy." Tatum walked over to the the counter where Luke sat.

" it's a closed door, and you gotta bust it open." Luke poked his head through the cupboard door.

𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒-𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now