Chapter 3: The Invitation

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         "Steven, I swear to God if you look at that phone one more time i'm putting it in the screen basket," Mom complains.

         Everyone sits around the dinner table eating the large meal the moms prepared for our first night back. Belly and I glance at each other hiding our smiles through bites of food.

      "It's just we want to see your beautiful faces," Susannah says lifting up her wine glass. "Can dinner be a screen free zone? Like the olden days?"

      Steven looks back down at his phone, scrolling.

      "Steven!" Jere scolds before snatching the phone from my brother.

      "Are you kidding me?" Steven complains.

      Jere shoots the phone onto a nearby chair, flexing his arms. "Boom!" he cheers. I giggle.

      "Okay! We get it you've been working out,"

      Belly laughs at this. "You're just jealous Jere has a better body than you," she shoots.

      "Uh, no? It's actually about the lean look now, or else you can't wear tailored suits,"

      Belly and I start cracking up.

      "Tailored suits," Conrad repeats.

      Steven smiles over at Conrad. "When do you leave for training camp man?"

      The smile on Connie's face fades as soon as he finishes. He opens his mouth to answer, but is cut off by Jere.

      "Uh- he quit football,"

      The entire table goes silent. I look next to me at Belly, but she's studying Conrad. An awkward feeling lingers between everyone.

      Conrad has always been known for his talent when it comes to football. Mr. Fisher brags about it all the time. Every summer he spent time at football camp to ensure he didn't get rusty in the off season, and even when at the beach house he passes time by tossing around the ball with Jere and Steven near the ocean. The idea of him quitting was almost bizarre.

      "Wait, really? You quit?" Steven breaks the silence as Conrad nods. "I'd kill to play college ball,"

      "He can always change his mind," Susannah says to lighten the air.

      "Well, I'm not gonna change my mind," Conrad mumbles. "I was just going to sit on the bench all season anyway,"

      "If you're not playing football anymore, what are you going to do all summer?" Mom asks.

      Conrad shrugs, clearly annoyed at the sudden spotlight and worry being placed on him.

      "Oh dude, you can work at the club! Yeah with me and Jere," Steven smiles hopefully as Jere does the same while looking at his brother.

      "I'm not working at the club," Conrad responds.

      Belly gives a confused look. "Wait, you guys are working this summer?"

      "Yeah, I'm lifeguard and Steven is working the snack shop," Jere says proudly bumping fists with Steven.

      "Since when?" I ask.

      "I don't know, we've had it figured out for awhile now,"

      "Belly! I almost forgot," Susannah says, hopping out of her chair and reaching for an envelope. "I have a surprise for you,"

      Everyone watches curiously as she hands the envelope to Belly. It looks fancy.

      "So this is why you had to stop by the country club?" Mom shakes her head asking. Susannah shrugs.

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