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Y/n: "What would you do if I was choking?"

Hobie: "Shii I would would apologize and pull back 2 inches-"


Pav: "I don't get it...":(


Y/n: "Spin me and then drop okay?"

Hobie: "Got it."
*Spin* *CRASH!*



Peter: "Whose the favorite child?"

Y/n: "We love all 3 of them equally!"

Gwen: "Pav"
Miles: "Pav"
Pav: "Me!"
Hobie: "Pav."


Pav: "Y/n? How'd you meet Hobie?"

Y/n: "He tried breaking into my collage."

Miles: "Why..."

Hobie: "The fun of it."


*Y/n driving*: "Alright Miles hold on to the waters it's a hard right!"

Miles: "AH SHIT!"


Y/n: "When he in my head too much, I might as well give him some."😍

Pav: "Why would you give Hobie your brain??"



*Hobie about to shoot*: "THIS FOR YOU LUV!"

Gwen: "If you break up with him after that it's understandable."

Y/n: "Nah... I love pathetic men..."😊


*Hobie taps cheek*: "Kiss"

*Y/n jumps*: "Fuck! Bend down!"


*Y/n holding shirt*

Hobie: "Whats that say?"

Y/n: "Fuck the British. Yeah. I might."
*Puts it back*


*Y/n when she first met Miles, Pav and Gwen*: "These are my babies. If anything happened to them. I'd kill everyone and then myself."


*Y/n pointing to the spider society*: "These are my bitches. If you fuck with them. All of a sudden. It's my problem."


Pav: "Hobie, are those scratches on your back from fighting?"

Hobie: "No their from Y/n-"

Y/n: "ME GIVING HIM BACK MASSAGES! My nails are just too long."😃✋

Hobie: "We both know that's not the only thing thats long."

Miles: "What the fuck."


Y/n: "I wanna be the person who does random dramatic cartwheels everywhere."

Pav: "I already have that role."

Y/n: "Oop, and you can keep it baby." 😘


Hobie: "Y/n. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It's an accident luv."
*Y/n turned away from Hobie*

Miles: "Whats happening?"

Gwen: "Hobie broke his and Y/n's pinky promise."


Thanks for reading these chaotic thoughts and ideas I had👍

Words: 415<3

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