What is a Woman?

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       You have likely heard this question many times before, but have you ever found a satisfactory answer? You might have the opinion that you have the ability to choose your gender, or you might believe that the sex you are born with is the one you are, period.

       I am a Christian, I believe in Jesus Christ. Therefore I believe that we are designed just as God created us to be.

       However, non-Christians will not always think this way. Without a creator that you can put your faith in, you are left with the swerving judgment of humans. Humans are not God by any standards, so who do you think created you? If you believe that nobody designed you and that you exist by chance, then it is natural to want to change the design. Someone may want to change their gender for many reasons, but they can't.

       It is impossible to change your gender.

       Apart from the fact that every single cell in your body has your DNA and your male/female chromosomes, you also have a differently designed body.

       Each cell in the human body (normally) has 46 chromosomes, 23 from each parent. the 23rd pair is the sex chromosome. xx chromosome is female. xy is male.

       You can't change 30,000,000,000,000 (thirty trillion) cells that hold the DNA that determine your gender.

       You might argue that "You can't change your sex, but you can change your gender," but...😐...you can't do either.

       Because there isn't a difference.

       It's like an eight-year-old girl saying she wants to be a princess. She can want all she wants, but that doesn't change her lineage. You can want to be the other gender until you're blue in the face, but being blue isn't going to change 30 trillion cells and switch body parts. It just doesn't work this way.

       Being 'transgender' is a new level of make-believe I'm sincerely sorry if you find this insulting and insensitive, that is not my intention, I just want to share my opinion. But the idea of being able to snap your fingers and go from boy to girl or vice-versa is an illusion. This new generation is mostly made up of very accepting and inclusive people, if it wasn't, there is no way that the world could convince themselves that a man wearing makeup and heels was really a woman and not a man playing dress up.

       Who is going to tell me that this is not a man in a skirt and high heels?

       Who is going to tell me that this is not a man in a skirt and high heels?

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       If you see a woman, if you honestly see a woman, then you are looking through the new world's eyes.

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