I've spent a thousand nights alone, tryna hold on tight //3

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By the time the carriage had arrived at the River Palace, Tipp was awake and he had quietly chatted away to Naari. Over the course of their travels, Naari quietly murmured to Tipp what had happened, him being stabbed but somehow making a miraculous recovery. She explained that Jaren was the Crown Prince, sharing only a select couple of the powers he wielded. She didn't tell him about Kiva's powers though, instead opting to let Kiva tell him in her own time with some privacy. He nodded but didn't say much after that- he must have been too tired to be his usual cheerful self or he could have read the atmosphere in the carriage. It was silent and there was obvious tension between Kiva and Jaren. They didn't acknowledge it, they hadn't even talked to each other since Tipp had awakened, apart from a few whispers.

Naari hopped out of the carriage first, helping Tipp out. His legs were shaky but apart from that, he seemed happy to be in the open, fresh air. It seemed to help refresh him from the travels and his recovery. Jaren hopped out next, followed by Kiva. He pulled her aside with a gentle pull of her elbow.

"You need to tell Tipp. The palace has already been alerted about your blood and in the near future you will be trialled." His eyes were set on Kiva's and did not leave hers until she nodded. She could hear his unsaid words. She was still a prisoner. There was a chance she could be sent back to Zalindov. Jaren then gestured to the guards surrounding the palace.

"The palace is filled with guards. Do not try anything."

Kiva nodded, her eyes trailing down to the floor, wanting him to stop talking. Jaren let Kiva go, he made his way elsewhere while Kiva went over to Tipp. He was the whole reason she was there, after Zalindov she had nothing left. Her family hadn't tried to save her. It was too late for them and all she had was Tipp.

Some staff guided Kiva and Tipp into the guest's wing of the palace. The staff then left them on their own as they were given their rooms but Kiva knew that they weren't going to be trusted with their own free will. There were almost certainly guards standing outside of the rooms.

Tipp's room was adjoined with Kiva's, his room was lavish and filled with all he could want. Long wall length windows covered a full width of the room, partially shrouded by long, thick drapes. Tipp rushed over to the window, looking out at the world around him. The palace was busy and lively and to that, Tipp looked content. Even after the long carriage ride he had missed most of, he still wanted to explore the world around him. Kiva left him as he smiled out the window to see her room. It was smaller and modest. It resembled a bare cell but it was more likely a servant's quarter to aid the resident in the larger room throughout the night. The room itself wasn't as bad as Zalindov yet after all Kiva had been through... It just didn't seem like what she had done was worth it.

Kiva moved to the bed which was situated next to a wooden desk. Kiva would have no purpose for it. Not when she wasn't guaranteed to stay there with Tipp. She sat down, her head falling in between her hands.

She needed to figure out what to do. Jaren couldn't help her, he made that clear. Naari... she wouldn't be able to help her anymore, not with her ties with the royal family. She might be able to look after Tipp and for that Kiva was grateful but would it be enough? A tear fell down Kiva's cheek as she thought about the future. She escaped Zalindov but now she needed to figure out what she was meant to do with her life, all alone. She needed to figure out how to not be thrown back in prison for treason.

From the room next door, she could hear Tipp still bouncing along by the window until it began to dull down.

"K-Kiva?" The sweet boy's voice said from the doorway connecting the two rooms. Kiva looked up, wiping another tear from her face.

"Yeah?" Kiva called out to Tipp as he moved to sit by her. The boy wrapped his arms around her.

"Y-you okay?" Tipp's tone was soft, enough to break Kiva. Tears started pouring down her face as uncontrollable sobs left her.

"N-No. I've... I've lied to y-you." Kiva cried, trying desperately to wipe away the tears. She could feel Tipp still against her and only just hear him breathe out, "What?"

"Y-you were st-abbed. I-I saved y-you... w-with magic." Kiva cried into her hands. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

"You were dying." She whispered as Tipp turned silent. He simply sat next to her, the words she had said weighing on him. Kiva didn't continue instead opting to take more deep breaths, trying not to gulp them in. A moment passed until Tipp whispered, "How?"

After Naari had told Tipp about Jaren, Kiva knew it would have been awful, cruel even, to tell him that she had powers too when he had desperately wanted them to be a saving miracle for him in Zalindov. It would be even worse when he found out that she had lied to him for so long, when he was like a brother to her. But she didn't know how else she could tell him the truth.

"I'm a C-Corentine and... I-I have powers." She quietly said in a weak voice. "Healing powers." She added when Tipp was silent.

There was a lengthy pause until Tipp exclaimed, "Wow," bouncing up to his feet. "T-That is so cool!" There was a tinge of happiness to his voice though Kiva could tell it was partly for her benefit to stop crying. She attempted to smile, relief washing over her that Tipp wasn't too upset with her.

"Jaren isn't too happy with me, it's complicated now that I have" The words drifted off her tongue as she was trying to choose the right words. "... He still likes you, okay? He's helping us... We're free, Tipp. We're free." Kiva said, standing up next to him. Tipp took Kiva's hand and guided her back to the window. They stood in front of it, gazing at what was ahead of them. Evalon stood in front of them, behind that the rest of the world, that was waiting for the two of them. It was all in arm's reach, they were finally free after their long sentence in Zalindov.

"K-Kiva?" Tipp gently said as he held her hand. Kiva glanced down at the red haired boy.

"Yeah?" She responded to him. Tipp looked up to her and then turned his gaze back to the window.

"Jaren still likes y-you. I-I am sure of it."

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