Chapter 01|Party Hardy

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Lu tried to squeeze between the dancing and kissing people. She hadn't expected this Halloween party to be so crowded. She herself was dressed as a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. She had always been a fan of their outfit and the cheerleaders themselves.

Lu was grabbing a beer when suddenly a shady guy stood next to her. Lu frowned and looked at him angrily. "Hey," the boy said. "Not interested," muttered Lu. "Frankie," Frankie introduced himself. "My name is kiss my ass," said Lu as she threw a little bit of beer over Frankie. Frankie gasped and scoffed.

"What an asshole," Mindy said as Lu sat down next to her and Anika. "Yeah, I already said not interested," scoffed Lu as she took a sip of her beer. "Oh, I don't like that," said Anika as she saw Frankie walking with Tara.

"Hey, shall we go?" Anika asked Tara. "No, I'll stay for a while. You guys don't have to wait for me," said Tara. 

"Don't worry, I'll look after her. I'm Frankie," Frankie said to Anika. "And I'm really not interested in anything about you at all," Anika snapped back. Lu chuckled. "Anika, Lu. I'll be fine," Tara tried to reassure them. "But sweet that you care about me."

Meanwhile, Ethan and Chad were dancing somewhere on the other side of the room. 

"Cheers to the dynamic duo of Hortense Tower, third floor, room 315," Chad said as the two cheered. "Time to introduce you to some girls. What do you think of her?"

"She's beautiful. But I already like someone," Ethan blurted out. "What?!
Who?!" asked Chad in surprise. Ethan stared at him. "Is it Lu?" asked Chad with a smile. Ethan stared down and blushed. "Oh hell yeah, it's Lu!" shouted Chad excitedly. "Shhh, maybe she's around here man," whispered Ethan nervously. "Go for her," said Chad as he pointed to his best friend. 

"Ask her out," said Chad as he saw Lu walking with Anika. "Shut up," hissed Ethan nervously. "You have to be confident. You're a snack, you're a whole meal on your own," Chad hyped Ethan up. "Really?" asked Ethan with a smile. "Yeah, you're Ethan Landry," laughed Chad.

"Hey, big guy. We need you," said Anika as she tapped Chad on his shoulder. Chad sighed and walked behind Lu and Anika along with Ethan. "Hi Lu," said Ethan nervously. "Hey Ethan. Enjoying  the party?" Lu asked him with a smile. Ethan nodded. The four walked to the stairs where Tara was dragged upstairs by Frankie. 

"Hey partner. Tara stays downstairs," Chad said to Frankie. "Sorry buddy. I didn't catch that," Frankie scoffed as he walked towards Chad. "Yeah, you did," laughed Chad. "Chad, it's fine," Tara tried to reassure him. "I want it."

"You see, Chad?" Frankie asked with a teasing grin. "I want to," Tara said. "She wants to," teased Frankie. Frankie grabbed Tara's upper arm and pulled her upper arm so hard that she fell over. Chad had enough and grabbed Frankie and pulled him down the stairs.

"Get your fucking hands off her, okay?" Chad asked angrily. "Get the fuck off!" screamed Frankie angrily. "Guys!" yelled Tara irritated. 

"Finally something exciting," chuckled Lu as she took a sip of her beer. Sam came in out of nowhere and pushed past Lu and Ethan. "Sorry that I have to interrupt but I'm gonna tase you in the balls real quick," she said. She pulled out her taser and tased him in the balls. Ethan groaned at the scene. "Don't ever lay hands on my sister." 

"Fucking bitch!" Frankie screamed to Sam. "Sam, are you fucking kidding me?" Tara asked in disbelief. "You're stalking me now?"

"Oh shit. That's psycho girl!" yelled a boy. Sam ran after Tara as people began to shout things to Sam. Lu felt bad for Sam and ran after them with Ethan hot on her heels. 

"Tara wait!" Sam begged. "I can't believe you did that. You embaressed me!" yelled Tara angrily. "That guy was a dick. He wanted to take advantage of you," Sam told her. "So?! If I want to hook up with an asshole, then that's my decision. You've been out of my life for five years and now you can't leave me alone for five minutes!" Tara yelled at her.

"You're not dealing with what happened to us. Have you even gone to therapy?" Sam asked. "No, and I'm not going to. I don't wanna live in the past anymore like you are!" Tara yelled frustrated. "What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asked her. "It means that I don't let those three days define the rest of my life," sighed Tara.

"So you're gonna pretend it never happened?" Sam asked with a scoff. "What are you doing here Sam? In New York? You're working two shitty jobs, but what's your plan? Because I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna study, I'm going to college and gonna live my life. My life!" Tara yelled to her sister.

"I just want you to be safe," whispered Sam with tears in her eyes. "I...I know," sighed Tara irritated. "You can't do it for the rest of my life though," said Tara as she pointed to Sam. "You have to let me go."

"Hey!" screamed a girl. Sam turned around and the girl threw some beer on Sam her white sweater. Sam gasped. "Murderer!" screamed the girl. Her friends started filming. Sam charged forwards but Chad and Tara stopped her.

"Stay away from her! She knows what she did," teased the girl. "I didn't do anything!" screamed Sam as she wanted to run to the girl again. "Yeah sure," laughed the girl.

"I'm so sick of this shit," muttered Sam under her breath. "I...I have some tissues for you. I've got three tissues," said Ethan nervously as he gave them to Sam. Ethan quickly walked after his friends.

Sam was left behind as she squeezed the beer out of her white sweater.


"This was an intense evening," laughed Lu as she walked with Ethan to his dorm. "Defenitely," laughed Ethan nervously. "I can't believe Chad and that stupid guy Frankie fought," chuckled Lu as she tightened her top. "You had a nice costume."

"Really? You really think so?" Ethan asked with a smile. "Yeah, defenitely," said Lu with a faint smile. "I-I really like your costume too," Ethan stammered. "Thank you. I always wanted to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader," said Lu with a smile. "You look really beautiful in it," Ethan whispered. His eyes fell to her lips. And when he was just about to kiss her, Chad walked in. 

"Oh uhm sorry. Did I interrupt something?" he asked as he scratched the back of his neck. "Nope nothing. Don't worry Chad," said Lu as she walked to her dorm. "See you Ethan," she said as she waved. "Bye Lu!" Ethan yelled after her. 

"I really did interrupt something, didn't I?" Chad asked as he kissed his teeth. "Yeah you did, you fucking asshole!" laughed Ethan. 



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