Chapter 03|Econ With Ethan

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Lu pushed open the door of the Carpenter sisters' apartment with shaky hands. Mindy shot up from the couch as Chad walked up to Lu and crushed her in a hug. "Jeez, Lu. We just saw on the news what happened," Mindy said worriedly as she pushed her brother away from Lu. Lu ignored Ethan who was glaring daggers into the back of Chad's head.

"I just wanted to get food for Rocko," pouted Lu. "Thank god you're okay," said Anika as she looked at her friend for wounds. "All three of us are fine. That Ghostfuck had a shotgun," Lu told her as she sat down next to Ethan on the couch. "A shotgun?" asked Ethan as he raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, Gary had one behind the counter," Lu told him as she shrugged. "He grabbed the shotgun when Gary wanted to grab the keys of the back and then he shot Gary in the head."

"Two innocent people just died," Lu whispered sadly. "It's not your fault," Ethan reassured her. "I could have saved Gary, the same time I couldn't," sighed Lu as she hid her face in her hands. "As bad as this may sound, there's nothing you could have done. Ghostface literally had a shotgun," Chad said with a smile to Lu. "I think Gary would have preferred him to have been killed alone than the both of you."

Lu nodded and looked up. She was so lucky with her friends. "He got away. If I hadn't pushed the shelve on him he might have been caught," Lu told them as she looked at the reporter on the TV. "But if you hadn't knocked that shelve over Sam would probably be dead right now," said Anika as she took a sip of her apple juice.

"Wait, how do you guys know all this?" asked Lu in surprise. "The reporter? It's on TV?" said Mindy as if it was obvious. "But there was no one else in the store but Sam, Tara and me," said Lu. Mindy raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Then how did the police get this information so fast?"

"Doesn't matter, Lu," said Chad as he put an arm around his best friend. "Actually, it does matter-," Mindy wanted to say, but Chad cut her off. "All that matters now is that you guys are safe," Chad said as he glared at his sister. Mindy rolled her eyes and pulled Anika onto her lap.

"I think you were super brave," Ethan spoke up from beside her. "Thank you, E," said Lu with a smile. "Do you want to go to Econ tomorrow? I mean I understand if you don't want to," said Ethan nervously. Mindy struggled to contain her laughter. Anika slapped her on the shoulder. "Yeah, if you're there I'm there too," said Lu. 

"Maybe it would be better if Lu stays with one of us tonight. Are you staying with me and Ethan, Lu?" Chad asked with a cocky grin. "Hell no. She's not going in your sweaty-smelling room. She's coming with me and Anika," Mindy interrupted them.

Lu chuckled.

"See you tomorrow Ethan. Bye Chad," said Lu as she followed Mindy and Anika to their apartment.


Lu left Mindy and Anika their apartment early to shower and feed her cat. She had to feed her cat pizza last night because all the cat food had run out. Lu had just finished tying her laces when someone knocked on the door. 

"Hey, Lu-Wow, you look good," said Ethan as he looked at her dark blue tennis skirt and her white tank top. "Thanks, Landry. You don't look bad yourself," said Lu with a smile as she locked her apartment. "Are you sure you want to go to Econ? I mean after last night," Ethan asked as he walked beside Lu. "I'll get over it, I'll be fine, I promise you," Lu reassured him. 

Ethan walked as close to Lu as he could. Lu rolled her eyes at his overprotection. "Can you stop that?" Lu asked him as they walked into the subway station. "With what?" asked Ethan as he clutched at Lu's backpack so he wouldn't lose her. "With protecting me. I prevented Sam yesterday from having a hole in her head and becoming an angel," said Lu as they got on the subway. "I think you mean a devil," Ethan muttered under his breath. "What did you say?" asked Lu as she frowned. "Nothing," said Ethan quickly. Lu raised an eyebrow and held onto the bar above her. 

"Isn't a friend allowed to protect you?" asked Ethan. "Yeah, but you're like a sticker. You stick to me," joked Lu as the subway started moving. "Do you think I'm clingy?" asked Ethan with hurt in his voice. "Oh come on, Landry. It was just a joke," Lu reassured him. "You know I love you."

Ethan blushed and shook his head laughing. Lu doubted her feelings toward Ethan. There was definitely chemistry between them, but she didn't know if he felt the same way. 

After four stops, they were finally at their university. Many students walked out of the subway. "Jeez, it's pretty crowded right Ethan? Ethan?" Lu asked when she no longer saw her best friend behind her. "Fuck."

Surely she felt fragile among all these people, the stares she received. She pushed her way among the students in search of Ethan. "Ethan?!" shouted Lu in frustration. She couldn't find him, fuck. Normally she wouldn't freak out like this, but with a killer on the loose, it made her rather nervous. 

Lu flinched when someone put a hand on her shoulder. "Easy, Lu. It's just me," said Ethan. "Shit, sorry. I was looking for you, you were suddenly gone," said Lu with sigh of relief. "Yeah, some guy pushed me aside on the subway," Ethan told her. "Jerk. I hope he gets attacked by Ghostface," muttered Lu. Ethan chuckled. 

Lu slipped her hand into his. Ethan started to blush but quickly looked the other way. "This way we won't lose each other," Lu said as she looked at their hands. "Yeah," said Ethan nervously with a chuckle. Lu's cold hand felt amazing against Ethan's warm one. 

Ethan and Lu were fortunately in the study hall five minutes before class. The two of them took a seat in the back. Lu felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. "What is it?" Ethan asked Lu as he saw her frown as she read the message. "They suspect Sam of the murders. Her driver's license was found at Jason's apartment," Lu told him. "And the group wants to go through the suspect list. Well actually Mindy."

"Great," muttered Ethan sarcastically. He just wanted to enjoy a day with Lu, of course the group had to ruin it again. 

He couldn't wait until they were all dead.  



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