Chapter 1 - Mark

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A young boy with long black hair and a pallid complexion was waiting for something to come by and change his life.

Severus Snape sat on the worn-out steps leading up to the dilapidated house known as Spinner's End. The air was heavy with the scent of dampness and decay, mirroring the desolation of his surroundings. It was here, in this bleak corner of the world, that young Severus spent his childhood, trapped in a life he longed to escape.

He watched as the raindrops fell from the overcast sky, tracing erratic patterns on the cracked pavement below. The gloomy grayness of Spinner's End seemed to seep into his very bones, but Severus had learned to find solace in the solitude it offered. It was a place where he could retreat from the harsh realities of his existence, losing himself in the depths of his own thoughts.


The sun began to set over the rolling hills of Spinner's End, casting a warm golden glow upon the small house where Severus Snape lived with his mother, Eileen, and his father, Tobias Snape. It was the eve of Severus' eleventh birthday, and he was sitting at the kitchen table, his eyes fixed on the flickering candle in front of him. He knew that tonight, everything would change.

His father was at work, and his mother, a thin and weary woman with dark hair and sad eyes, sat across from him, her gaze filled with a mixture of anticipation and sorrow. She reached out and took Severus's hand, her touch comforting and gentle.

"Severus," she began, her voice soft and filled with emotion. "I need to tell you something important. Something that has been passed down through generations of wizardry families."

Severus looked at her, his curiosity piqued. "What is it, Mum?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Eileen took a deep breath before continuing. "Wizardry families has always believed in the existence of soul mates, Severus. When we come of age, a symbol appears on our skin, whether you are a pure blood, half-blood, or muggle born, as long as you have magic, a symbol appears on our skin, a symbol that is unique to each person. When two people bear matching symbols, they are destined to be soul mates. It's an ancient magic that binds two people together."

Severus's eyes widened with wonder. He had heard stories of soul mates, but he never thought he would be a part of such a tale.

Eileen gently rolled up her sleeve, revealing a faded and worn hawk symbol on her forearm. "This is my mark, Severus," she said, her voice tinged with regret. "It's not impossible but It's very rare to come across your destined pair. I never got to meet my soul mate. Instead, I fell in love with your father, Tobias Snape. I took my chance with him rather than waiting for destiny, and left my family behind to be with him."

Severus's heart sank at the sadness in his mother's voice. His father is non magical, a muggle. Tobias Snape had despised magic, and when he discovered Eileen's magical heritage, he turned bitter and resentful.

"I'm sorry, Mum," Severus whispered, his voice filled with sympathy.

Eileen smiled weakly and squeezed his hand. "It's not your fault, my dear," she said softly. "But promise me, Severus, promise me that you will never let anyone make you feel ashamed of who you are. Embrace your magical abilities and follow your own path."

Severus nodded, his determination burning in his eyes. "I promise, Mum. I'll make you proud."

As the clock struck midnight, Severus felt a tingling sensation on his left forearm. He watched in awe as a magnificent stag symbol materialized, its antlers reaching toward the ceiling. The stag was a powerful and elegant creature, and Severus couldn't help but feel a sense of destiny wash over him.

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