4:Lee Art Gallery

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Im too lazy to use the font lmao
anyways i kinda forgot this existed bcz of school works but since its summer break i decided to try to continue this c:


𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱 𝐏𝐎𝐕.

After his visit to The Yang residence and his small encounter with Mrs. Yang and her son; Yang Jeongin, He decided to take Jeongin's advice and started heading to The "Lee Art Gallery".

Once he got to the gallery he was greeted by a person near the entrance.

"Hello, uhm do you perhaps know the owner of this place?" said Felix.

"Hi, My name is Lee Minho, Im actually the owner of this place. why do you ask?" the guy, whom we now know as Minho, replied.

"My name is Felix, Im a psychotherapist. I was wondering if you know anyone with the name hwang hyunjin?"

"Oh.. actually I do. We've been friends since we were kids and He displayed his artworks here. well, used too but i havent seen him since a few years now... why?" Minho said.

"Is it okay if i ask you some questions about him? Im hyunjin's assigned psychotherapist but he isnt willing to receive my help... so I've been trying to find out more about him so that i have a better grasp of the situation."

"Ah. well if you're gonna help him then i'd be delighted to share some info about him. But i think its best we talk inside the gallery instead of just standing at the entrance." Minho said while guiding us inside.

Minho then led me to a specific painting. it was that of a woman whom seemed to be getting tortured. I, horrified, asked "...who painted this..?"

Minho replied, "It was an artwork of hyunjin. he said it was for Mrs. Yang... or something like that.. i didnt quite understand it but he seemed tp have hated her quite a lot if he painted such a piece about her."

Felix then understood why Mrs. Yang had reacted that way when he visited and asked about hyunjin..

"Minho ssi, what relationship did hyunjin have with his parents?" Felix asked.

Minho, a bit hesitant, replied "Hyunjin's mother passed away giving birth to him.. and because of that his father had blamed him for his mother's death. His father would often drink and come home late only to beat him up. Hyunjin despised him. But he never actually tried to fight back since it was his father."

Felix, now feeling a bit guilty for asking such a personal question, said "Im so sorry i asked, Hyunjin might have entrusted this secret with you and didnt want anyone else to know. I am sorry for intruding on such a private matter."

Minho lightly patted his back and said, "Its fine, as long as i can help you further relieve his pain, i am sure he would'nt mind."

Felix, feeling his guilt lessen, he bowed to Minho and said, "Thank you Minho ssi for the information you have given me. I will try my best to help Hyunjin.

Felix stood back up straight and headed for the exit, "I will be taking my leave now. Thank you again!"

Minho, now being left alone in the gallery said, "Please, relieve him of his pains..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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