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Mia strides behind the counter wiping it with a rag. Her daily chore.

She wiped vigorously hoping to one day quit this job that wasn't worth the pay.

Since she had begun working at LARRY'S BAR she had only gotten a raise once. He was quite the stingy man.

She had been working at LARRY'S for the past four years. Being alone as a single mother wasn't easy.

Scratch that, forced single mother.

The child she had been taking care of was her nephew. After her sister had gotten married, she travelled with her husband to Panama on a business trip and informed her they would be back in a week, but it had been a month.

Mia was barely twenty-five. The last thing she needed was caring for herself and a child while doing a menial job.

She glanced at the clock on the wall that seemed like it would fall apart any time soon, her shift was almost over.

Larry's bar hardly had customers by night and she wondered why he hadn't closed down already.

But there was more to Mia than this. She could have all the money she ever wanted but had left her family after the death of her father, EDWARD MARTINEZ. She had decided to be independent and live on her own.

Edward Martinez was one of the richest men known in all of Mexico, and very popular for his "WEALTHY BUSINESS" but nobody knew the secret of how he earned his money, not even his WIFE ROZELLE MARTINEZ.

Unfortunately, her father hadn't written a will and now the whole family fought for who would take over the business.

Mia didn't want to get involved in the drama so she moved out of the house and left her brothers and sisters to fight among themselves not to add that she was the last child, so she barely had a chance of taking over the business.

Now with her older sister in Panama, everything seemed to be working in the favour of her eldest brother Andrew.

Mia has dated a few guys in the past who just wanted to use her to get to her father's properties.

Her siblings had refused to come to a mutual agreement of sharing the property, everyone was greedy and wanted everything for themselves.

Valerie her sister and the first child refused to back down. She wanted the whole property to herself although she was married to a wealthy man.

Andrew had tried to reason with Valerie since he was engaged and wanted a secure business before marriage and having a family.

On the other hand, she has three step siblings. Her father had married two wives her mother being the first and JULIA MARTINEZ being the second. Her step siblings NEIL, JEFFERY AND CATHERINE also wanted their hands on the property.

In order of birth, the eldest was Valerie, Neil, Andrew, and Jeffrey and she and Catherine were the same age.

Catherine had refused to let her share of the property slip from her hands. Since she was eighteen, Catherine had vowed to never marry or give birth.

Jeffrey and Neil only desired to be at the top. Their mother was with her father in the car and they had both died in the accident.

The issues at hand only stressed her mother Rozelle who wondered why her husband hadn't left a will knowing the number of children he had.

Surprisingly the two women were on good terms with each other despite being married to the same man.


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