In the ancient kingdom of Hastinapura, a beautiful young princess named Pritha, later known as Kunti, receives a divine mantra from the sage Durvasa. Curiosity grips her, and she invokes the Sun God, Surya, through the mantra, which results in the birth of her first son, Karna. Fearing social stigma, she reluctantly sets him adrift in a basket on the river, where destiny takes him on a remarkable journey.
Suryaputra Karna: The Legend of Loyalty and Valor
Historical Fiction"Suryaputra Karna: The Legend of Loyalty and Valor" is a captivating tale inspired by the epic Mahabharata. It delves into the extraordinary life of Karna, a warrior born with the brilliance of the sun. Abandoned at birth, Karna's journey takes him...